
Hiroki Kobayashi Design Portfolio Website [NOT COMPLETED] [Not under development now: switched to "Protfolio2020-2" repository]

Primary LanguageVue


Hiroki Kobayashi's design portfolio in 2020. Thank you for visiting my GitHub repository!

This website is under construction.


  • This is Nuxt.js project with the Typescript support.
  • The use of Typescript is based on vue-property-decorator.
  • This project does not need nuxt-based complicated functions such as asyncData, so all .vue file should have export default class ComponentName extends Vue {}, not Vue.extend({}), with the import of Vue from vue-property-decorator.
    • Please note that I do not use nuxt-property-decorator.

Development Build Setup

In this project we use yarn instead of npm.

# install dependencies
$ yarn install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn dev


Design layout outputs such as AdobeXD file is not provided. All designs are coding-based.


This project would be automatically published via Versel as pushed to GitHub.



If you want to contact me, send an e-mail to k.hiroki1.732[at]gmail.com (replace [at] with @)