
Intro to Web Development

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

This is the README file for the workshop.

This repo is the basics for getting set up with a standard LAMP server running Symfony2.

Follow the intructions in the setup doc and tutorial to learn the basics of Web Development.




Required Hardware

Make sure you have at least 4gb of RAM and a reasonably fast processor. If you know your computer is slow, DON'T WAIT TILL THE DAY OF THE WORKSHOP TO INSTALL EVERYTHING!!!

Windows, MacOSX, and Linux should all work

Required Software

Install Virtualbox and Vagrant.

Download the source

Get a zip of the project here or clone the project using git if you know how to! Move the project to your Desktop and be sure to unzip it!

Running the Virtual Machine

Open a terminal and go to the directory where the project is at. On Linux/MacOSX, you would do

cd ~/Desktop/<Name_of_project>
ls  <-- verify you see the files you expect

On Windows (using cmd.exe), you would do

cd c:\Users\<Your_user_name>\Desktop\<Name_of_project>
dir  <-- verify you see the files you expect

Once you are in the project directory, simply run

vagrant up

NOTE: This process might take a while so be patient! ALSO NOTE: A screen will pop up while the script is running, DO NOT TRY TO LOG IN TO IT LEAVE IT BE

Once the script has completed, go back to the screen that popped up. Your username is vagrant and password is vagrant. You should be seeing a desktop GUI starting after that!

Turning off the virtual machine

Simply hitting the 'x' on the VM display should do it. The cool kids way of doing it would be to go to the terminal window and typing vagrant halt.

Feel free to do this after you have verified the VM is up. You should be ready for the Workshop at this point!

Next Steps

On the VM, you can open firefox by going to Applications then searching for firefox. You can also open up a terminal by searching for terminal.

Go ahead and open a terminal and type the following

cd /vagrant

Looks familiar? Should be the same files you downloaded previously.