
Isomorphic port of the redux counter app

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • Remove deprecated services and update dependencies - August 10 2022
  • Upgraded to the latest versions. - May 30 2019
  • Upgraded everything to the latest versions. - April 20 2019
  • Updated to the latest React 16 and Redux 4 - June 23 2018
  • Added Cypress.io tests with Travis CI - June 23 2018

What is this?

Bundled with Redux is an example application called counter.

This is an isomorphic port of the counter app using Koa. It uses isomorphic-fectch to load the initial state on the server, and update the state from the client. Data retrieved and set via POSTs and GETs to and from the API src/server/api.js.


git clone git@github.com:khtdr/redux-react-koa-isomorphic-counter-example.git
cd redux-react-koa-isomorphic-counter-example.git
yarn install


To run a compiled production version:

yarn start

If you have errors, make sure you are using an LTS node version and try again.


  • Open http://localhost:3000
  • Press the buttons a few times
  • Reload page and inspect source to see the value in the HTML source


To run a development version with hot reloading:

yarn run dev

To run dev + Cypress tests:

yarn run dev &
yarn run cypress:open