
Meme Discord Bot

Primary LanguageJavaScript



A-Bot is a simple discord bot built with the EECS370 discord server in mind. Based on zombbblob (github)

A-Bot features a number of features that are quite unique! These include:

  • Server management
  • BotCasino and other entertainment features
  • Whatever other random commands you'd probably expect a general-purpose bot to do

Functionality and setup

A-Bot runs using a MongoDB database and can be hosted however you like. To set it up, you will need to create your own mongoDB cluster and create a collection called "botCasino". Follow MongoDB's connection instructions and add your connection string to config.json.

Commands List

See commands listed below. A-Bot is a work-in-progress, so some features may not be functional or available yet.

General Use
/help prints this list

/piazza DMs user with link to class piazza
/piazza <number> Generates and posts link to piazza post with given number
/eecs370 Sends link to eecs370.github.io

/invite <total_invites> generates invite link with finite specified invites

/dice <bet_amount>
/roshambo <bet_amount>
/roulette <bet_amount>
/guess <bet_amount>

/gpr grass privileges revoked
/github Links to this repository