
Application to send out SMS and Voice confirmations for upcoming appointments using CSV

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Please note this is not an official Twilio supported application.
This application does not come with any warranties. You may use this application at your own risk.
Please be sure to see the limitations section below before using this application.


This application uses a node CLI script + Twilio Studio to send out and confirm appointment reminders.


Step 1: Import flow.json into a new Studio Flow in your Twilio Account.

Step 2: Assign your Phone Numbers to the Studio Flow.

Step 3: Clone this repository and copy env.sample to .env and add your account details in.

  • STUDIO_FLOW_ENDPOINT is the REST API URL of your Studio Flow

  • CALL_FROM_NUMBER and CALL_FROM_NUMBER are to be a comma-separated string of phone numbers from your account to be used for either sending a SMS or making a call.

How To Run

Step 1: Add the csv file of your contacts into the lists directory. There's a list.csv.sample in there for a starting point.
Step 2: To check responses and send out the confirmation messages, the command is node app.js \

Default Desigend Flow

By running node app.js the application does the following:

  • Iterates through the csv files in the lists folder to check if any contact has a previous studio execution.
  • If the contact has a previous execution, the application will end the execution (if still active)
  • If the contact has a previous execution, the application will pull the context of the execution to check if there was a response received.
  • If response is received, the application will update the record so no new confirmations are sent.
  • The application will then iterate over the list again and send out a SMS or Voice confirmation if no previous response is entered.


  • Needs better error handling: Right now, if a csv file in process fails half-way, the updates are not saved. We won't know where it failed and how many records were updated before the fail.
  • Very Strict: The process allows only a 1(yes) or 2(no) response. Do you want to enable more conversational flow? Maybe allow rescheduling? Will need to be built further.
  • Lacks Unit Testing: This library is sample code to show one way to gather appointment confirmations using Twilio. There are many ways to build a flow. This application does not come with any warranties and is missing unit tests, so please be sure to make it more production ready before using any parts of it.