Micro Front end sample app


Microfrontends are used to divide a large app into a series of smaller apps. Example has 3 separate application stickec togethe in a container

  • Marketing - React
  • Authentication - React based
  • Dashboardd - Vue based
  • Container - React based


  • Full cyccle of development <> build <> deploy
  • Separate CI/CD for each app
  • CSS scoping
  • Perfomant, scalable
  • Dependency sharing between Apps
  • Cross app navigation

Steps to setup

Clone project

git clone https://github.com/khus29/microfrontends-poc.git

Go to each app direcctory and install dependencies

npm install

To start apps, use start script in each directory. Apps will start at different ports.

For CI, githu pipeline is used. Each app has its own yml file at:-


For deployment we are using Amazon Cloudfront. S3 busket is used for storage of build files.