Team Hackwind

Idea - A Financial Literacy Tool for Younger Generation - Helping parents in inculcating financial intelligence in young adults

Tech Stack used is

  • React
  • Express
  • Node
  • MongoDB
  • JWT

Team Details

Team Name: Hackwind isFresher : False


Frontend - Backend -

Description of Problem

Remember the time when you got your first salary and wasted it because you did not know how to invest/save it wisely?

Parents consciously don’t expose money matters in front of their children all because they think this is not something children should get involved with. This results in poor financial literacy and thus, equally poor financial decisions in young adults. It is time to break this particular mould.

Inclusion of mindful financial literacy right from childhood is pivotal for children to learn the basics of financial management early on - from the time they learn to manage money given by their parents, spend it wisely, and figure out how they can save some of it.

Money is an essential commodity, and it is important to master personal money management from teenage itself to achieve financial literacy. Parents must add one more step in their constant planning for their kids and inculcate financial intelligence in them before they venture out into the world independently.

Description of Idea

Developing a creative and engaging tool that provides financial education in a person’s early life. The technology includes learning modules, and game styled-quiz that teach basic financial skills such as opening bank accounts, investing, as well as more elaborate financial concepts such as budgeting, savings, credit, interest, debt, financial planning, basics on markets and how these work and interact.

The application includes -

  • A lesson-based approach to help kids learn about various concepts in an easy manner
  • Lessons followed by a scored-quiz on the above-mentioned topics
  • Parents can add children
  • Parents can curate quizzes and lessons for their children
  • Parents can track kids’ progress (scores, and if they completed the lesson) through their dashboard

Additional Features - Parents can add virtual in-application money in their children’s accounts. Children can choose to invest or save this money


  • Login Screens

  • Parent Dasboard

  • Quiz Manager for Parents

  • Lesson Manager for parents

  • Child Dasboard

  • Lesson for child

  • Quiz for Child