- Autoencoders: In this notebook, we train two Autoencoders: 1) to Reconstruct Fashion MNIST images 2) to detect Anomalies in the ECG500 Dataset.
- Cartpole Environment Steps vs Environments Reward Evaluation: In this notebook, we simulate the Cartpole Environment and compare the total reward accumulated by an Agent per Step and Episode.
- Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon: In this notebook, we find the distance between two nodes in a graph using Breadth First Search and Depth First Search.
- Gaming Agent & Negamax: In this notebook, we implement a Tic-Tac-Toe game with one human player. We train an AI agent using Negamax, and then we solve the game using Depth First Search & Iterative Deepening and compare the solutions.
- Multi Armed Bandits: In this notebook, we create a Custom Environment that inherits the Multi Armed Bandit Environment and initialize its Observation Space, Action Space, Reward Structure, and Policy.
- Epsilon Greedy & Upper Confidence Bound: In this notebook, we optimize the Ad Placement by applying the Epsilon Greedy and Upper Confidence Bound approaches on the Click-Through-Rate data.
- LinUCB, Thompson Sampling, & Neural Epsilon Greedy: In this notebook, we generate Movie Recommendations by applying the LinUCB, Thompson Sampling, & Neural Epsilon Greedy approaches on the MovieLens dataset and analyzing the ratings given by users to different movies.
- Markov Decision Process & Dynamic Programming: In this notebook, we compare the policies generated by the Policy Iteration and Value Iteration on the Frozen Lake Environment.
- Monte Carlo Methods: In this notebook, we compare the performances of the Monte Carlo Exploring Starts and Monte Carlo Epsilon Soft policies on the Cliff Walking Environment.
- Temporal Difference: SARSA, Expected SARSA, and Q-Learning: In this notebook, we compare the performance of SARSA, Expected SARSA, and QLearning on the Taxi Environment.
Mini Projects on Artificial Intelligence including Reinforcement Learning, Gaming Agents, Multi Armed Bandits, Markov Decision Process, Dynamic Programming, Monte Carlo Methods
Jupyter Notebook