This repository consists of some Conventional Machine Learning Algorithms
. I used Social Network Ads
Dataset for comparision between algorithms.
Final Prediction Boundraries of each algorithm is shown bellow.
Kernel Used: RBF
Some more Visualization for Decision Tree:
It includes (for both train set and test test:
* Confusion Matrix
* Accuracy
* Mean Absolute Error
* Mean Squared Error
* Root Mean Sqaure Error
* Precision
* Recall
* F-Score
- For Training Data:
- For Testing Data:
* Python: 3.7.10
* Numpy: 1.19.5
* Pandas: 1.1.5
* Matplotlib: 3.2.2
* Seaborn: 0.11.1
* Bokeh: 2.3.0
* Sklearn: 0.22.2.post1
It is provided with MIT License