
A web application that leverages CSV data for both display and functionality capable of handling large datasets efficiently, provide real-time feedback during uploads, and offer a seamless user experience.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SuperSix Sports Hackathon - CSV UPLOADER SERVICE

Table of Contents


a web application that leverages CSV data for both display and functionality. The application should be capable of handling large datasets efficiently, provide real-time feedback during uploads, and offer a seamless user experience.

Screenshot (399)

Tech Stack

  • Frontend: ReactJS , TailWindCSS
  • Backend: Node JS, Express JS


  1. CSV Upload Service:

    • a feature allowing users to upload CSV files.
    • Ensures that the service efficiently handles large datasets.
    • Implementing real-time progress indicators to keep users informed during uploads.
  2. Data Display and Pagination:

    • Displays the uploaded data on the UI post-upload completion.
    • Implemented pagination for smooth navigation through large datasets.
    • Ensures that the UI remains responsive even with extensive data.


  1. Subscription Pricing Calculator:
    • Utilized the uploaded CSV data to develop a Subscription Pricing Calculator.
    • Calculates and displays subscription pricing based on the uploaded data.

Screenshot (402)

Running on Local Machine

If you want to run this project on your local machine, please note the following:


  • Node JS (12.x and above)
  • React JS
  • TailWind CSS

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/khushi0704/superSix_Hackathon
cd superSix_Hackathon

Install Dependencies

npm install

Start the backend server

nodemon server.js

Start the dev environment

npm start

Wait for a few seconds for the program to compile. Once done, open http://localhost:3000/ on your machine to browse the website.

Additional Information

  • Ensure that the CSV file follows the correct format for successful parsing (e.g., comma-separated values).
  • Pagination buttons are disabled when there is no data to display or only one page of data.
  • Error messages will be displayed if there are issues with file upload or data parsing.
  • For support or feedback, contact khushi.jain0704@gmail.com



Detailed Explanation

  • Tailwind CSS is utilized to apply responsive and customizable styles to UI elements, facilitating rapid development and easy maintenance through its utility-first approach and extensive set of pre-defined classes.

  • Multer: Multer is a middleware for handling multipart/form-data, which is primarily used for uploading files. I've configured Multer to store uploaded files on the disk with the specified destination and filename. Multer efficiently handles file uploads, allowing you to receive large CSV files without overwhelming your server's memory.

  • Streaming: Instead of reading the entire CSV file into memory, I've utilized Node.js streams to process the file line by line. By piping the read stream directly into the CSV parser, you can efficiently handle large CSV files without loading the entire dataset into memory at once. This approach significantly reduces memory usage, making it suitable for handling large datasets.

  • CSV Parser: I've used the csv-parser library to parse the CSV data. The csv-parser library parses CSV data row by row, emitting events for each row, which allows you to process each row individually.This streaming approach enables efficient handling of large CSV files, as you're not required to load the entire dataset into memory at once.


Thank you for using the CSV Uploader Service! We hope this application simplifies the process of uploading and parsing CSV files for your needs.