Finearts-Club (Alankrit)

This is the official website (webapp) of Fine-Arts club of IIITG (Alankrit). The site is to showcase the artworks of students in various art events.

Alt text

Description :

The website has different portions, The main frame is made using CSS keyframes and Bootstrap.
The Recent Events Section displays the recent events held by the Club.
To view the artworks made by the students one can click on the Artworks button below the Recent Events which takes the user to the instagram handle of Alankrit which is updated regularly with the artwork of students.
The Coordinator section has the list of past coordinators along with their handles to contact them.
The Contact Us sectoin is made using the smtplib module which provides a mail sending interface, a user can send any query using the contact us section.
The current club coordinators can manage the site (add recent events, update coordinators) using the django admin panel.

Tech stack / Framework used :

The backend of the webapp is made using Django Framework. For styling and ehancing the look Bootstrap , CSS and Javascript is used.

Installation :

  1. Create a virtual environment. You can use this link for reference.

  2. Activate your virtual environment using :


    Here env is the name of virtual environment.

  3. Install all the requirements required to run the project :

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  4. Run the project :

    python runserver

  5. You can view the webapp by going to the local host on you web browser

Contribute :

To contribute to the project Fork the repository, clone it on you local machine. Read the guidelines before creating any pull request. Wait untill your pull request is acknowledged by the project maintainers.

Contributors :

Manan Gyanchandani