
In this project we give solutions to semi supervised or unsupervised node embedding generation for dynamic graphs.

** Unsupervised node embedding generation for dynamic graphs **.

Please extract the files keep UnsupervisedNodeEmbeddingGenerationForDynamicGraphs and data direcorty under same parent directory, and run the main.py. To use your own data see the src/loader/dataset_loader.py and make changes accordingly.

Keywords: DynamicNodeEmbedding, GraphRepresentationLearning, Dynamic Protein-protein interaction prediction.

Requirements pip install pthon>=3.6 pip install networkx==2.3 tensorflow==1.14.0 qc-procrustes numpy==1.19.5 tqdm==4.40.0 pandas==1.3.2 Keras==2.3.1 matplotlib==3.5.2 torch==1.9.0 node2vec==0.4.3 sklearn==0.0