
A digital field guide for butterflies commonly found in Pennsylvania

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

PA Butterfly Field Guide

This project is a mobile app (Android only) that acts as a digital field guide for 109 butterflies commonly found in Pennsylvania. To see the app in action, check out this video.


This app was designed by Meg Teuber and coded by Kyle Husmann. The app was used in a study Meg ran to understand how people learn about biodiversity and the natural environment through their own initiative. To learn more, check out Meg's master's thesis, "The Use of Mobile Applications to Increase Environmental Awareness and Citizen Science Participation Among Users".

Technical Info

This app was created in React Native / Expo.


The app is no longer available on Google Play, as the study is completed.

If you're on an Android phone, the app can still be installed manually by following this link to download and install the APK. You may need to edit your security settings to enable "unknown apps".

Running from source

To run it from source, clone the repo and run:

npm install
npx expo start

Note that the expo go app only supports the latest SDK versions, so you will need to run this in a simulator unless the expo go on your device supports SDK v33.0.0. According to expo.fyi:

You can continue to use Expo Go on for old SDK versions by installing it through Expo CLI. Run npx expo start in your project and launch it from the interactive prompt — the Expo Go app will be installed with the correct version for your project. Note that this is not possible on iOS devices, only on simulators, due to restrictions around sideloading.
