The Sea Glass Look and Feel is a Java pluggable Look and Feel for JRE versions 1.6 and later. See LICENSE.txt for license information. Some info on the properties used by Synth: Some client properties that are used in Seaglass: --------------------- Seaglass.Overrides = If the component has overrides, it gets its own unique style instead of the shared style. SeaGlass.Overrides.InheritDefaults = true to merge with the UI defaults false to replace them. Seaglass.State = Force the state of the component to the given value example: "Enabled+MouseOver" JComponent.sizeVariant = the size variant of the component (See seaglass project page for details) Slider.paintThumbArrowShape = Always force a thumb arrow for the JSlider __arrow_scale__ = The arrow size for arrow buttons. (Used internally) JButton.buttonType = Button type : (See seaglass project page for details) JButton.segmentPosition = Position for segmented buttons. (See seaglass project page for details) SeaGlass.JRootPane.MenuInTitle = Put the menu into the title area of the main frame. (See seaglass project page for details) SeaGlass.UnifiedToolbarLook = unified look for the title area the menu and the toolbar. (See seaglass project page for details) JTabbedPane.Tab.segmentPosition = Used for the JTabbedPane to set the tab segment mode. JTabbedPane.closeButton = Activate the close button for all tabs of a JTabbedPane (See seaglass project page for details) JTabbedPane.closeListener = Install a close listener on the JTabbedPane close buttons (See seaglass project page for details) SeaGlass.JTextArea.drawLineSeparator = Draw separator lines in the JTextArea. SeaGlass.Override.ScrollBarButtonsTogether = Draw both scroll buttons together (See seaglass project page for details) JTextField.variant = The variant of the text field: "search" to make it a search field. (See seaglass project page for details) JTextField.Search.FindPopup = The popup menu for the searh field. (See seaglass project page for details) JTextField.Search.PlaceholderText = A place holder / hint text for the search field. (See seaglass project page for details) JTextField.Search.FindAction = An action listener for the find button in the search field. (See seaglass project page for details) JTextField.Search.CancelAction = An action listener for the cancel button in the search field. (See seaglass project page for details) Table.sortOrder = Used for the table header renderer to render the correct sort indicator. Window.documentModified = Draw a document modified indicator on OSX only. (See seaglass project page for details) System property: SeaGlass.BorderFactory.overrideDefaults = Deactivate the border factory override.