Missing tooltip border, Seaglass
Closed this issue · 2 comments
GoogleCodeExporter commented
It is very hard to see what the tooltip is and what not as shown on the
attached file.
Therefore I think tooltips should have a border or at least the option to say
at startup to draw with a border.
Original issue reported on code.google.com by tballm...@gmx.de
on 20 Nov 2011 at 11:39
GoogleCodeExporter commented
Java 1.6.0_27
Windows XP 5.1
By the way I have the feeling there is a difference between the code checked
out from latest trunk and the latest delivered version.
The trunk contains a class ToolTipPainter, the delivered version not.
So is there any hope to get tooltips painted with borders in future ?
Original comment by tballm...@gmx.de
on 20 Nov 2011 at 11:47
GoogleCodeExporter commented
We jsut have release version 0.2 with many improvements. This will also contain
a nice border for tooltips and a ton of other fixes.
Give it a try.
- Rossi
Original comment by rosstaus...@googlemail.com
on 25 Jun 2012 at 9:01
- Changed state: Fixed