COMP2026 Programming Assignment 3 - Tower Defense

2022-23 Semester 1

  • Designed by: Dr. Kevin Wang
  • Assignment Website: GitHub
  • Due:
    • UAT Due: 23:59pm 21/11/2022 (Monday midnight)
    • Programming Due: 23:59pm 3/12/2022 (Saturday midnight)
  • Download the demo program: here
  • Download everything from the assignment: here

To run the demo program, type the following in your terminal:

> java -jar demo.jar

Learning outcome

Students are expected to have some practice on object-oriented programming concepts/Inheritance/Polymorphism/List/Exception Handling/visibility in this assignment. We expect most students would spend 5 hours or more to finish the assignment without any assistance. Make sure you start earlier as possible and ask us on Discord if you have any difficulty!

Bonus: there is a bonus part for this assignment, please read all instruction.


You are going to implement a game Tower Defense (TD). In this assignment there are quite a few Java files that you need to include in the project. You need to complete the methods stated in the skeleton code. Make sure you can follow the instructions given at the top of each method. The file structure is as below:

Files Need to modify Remarks
res/*.png No Graphic for GUI version Yes The mastermind of the game Yes Model the generic parent of a Tower/Monster No Model the generic parent of different towers Yes Model monsters Yes Archery Tower Yes Laser Tower Yes Catapult Tower No The interface for display Yes For handling user I/O and display content on screen No For handling user I/O and display content over Graphic User Interface (GUI) Yes A customer exception class

A sample program is given to you. When there is something you are not sure, you can take a look at the sample program to decide what to do.

Some methods are labeled as completed or given. Please don't make any change on those methods. You are not supposed to modify them.

Explanation of the game Tower Defense

This is a video game that monster will come out on each round. The monster will get stronger and stronger as times goes by. The player starts with some money that can be used to build towers or upgrade towers. These tower will shoot and kill monsters. However, if one monster can escape from the tower's attack and reach the home sign, the game is over. The objective of the game is to get as much point (number of monster killed) as possible. When a monster steps on a tower, the tower will be crashed.

In each turn, a monster will come out from the first column but a random row. All monsters will move to the right along their row (i.e. monster does not change row). Towers can be built on the grid except for the first column.

Most of the game details can be found at the comment of the java file. Good luck!


A sample program can be found here demo. The sample program provides you an understanding of the program. You do not need to follow the exact wording and output format of the program.

The demo include a GUI version and a command line version (which decided by typing Y or N at the start of the programme). Whenever there is a discrepancy, we follow the command line version.

It is totally OK if your program does not work with the GUI version. We will grade your code based on the command line only.


You are more than welcome to improve the game by creating some interesting monsters and towers. If you wish to attempt the bonus part, please complete the original program first. Then make your bonus part in another project and submit them separately.

You are supposed to create ONE monster and ONE tower. And you can improve the program in any way that you like. We are looking for the effort you have spent in preparing the bonus.

Understanding the Assignment Test (UAT)

This part is independent to your programming code. You will need to answer the following short questions by another due date. Submit your answers on Moodle.

  1. If an ArcheryTower is built at (3, 1) (i.e., row 3, column 1). Will a monster located in the following locations be attacked by this tower (assume there is only one monster).
    1. (2, 3)
    2. (4, 4)
    3. (5, 2)
  2. Determine if the following relationship is correct or not:
    1. A block is a tower.
    2. A tower is a block.
    3. An archeryTower is a LaserTower.
    4. A monster is a tower.
    5. A monster is a block.
    6. A catapult is not a tower.
  3. Is it true that a Catapult will attack multiple monsters at a time and all monsters receive the same amount of damage?

Programming Style and Documentation

Good programming style (indentation, comments) are always essential. Blank lines, spaces between operators/variables (wherever appropriate) and meaningful variable names are required. Your program should be properly indented. Good choice of variable names and method names is also essential. Your program must have proper internal documentation. Wherever necessary and appropriate, you should add inline comments to explain the execution flow of your program. You are required to remove the word TODO from your program before submission. Fail to do so will yield certain penalty. There are certain constant (final variables) in the program. Use them whenever possible.


Zip your project and submit that to Moodle.

Please be reminded that both the Late Penalty Rule and the Penalty for Plagiarism are applied strictly to all submissions of this course (including this assignment).

Late Penalty Rule

if (lateHour > 0) {
    if (lateHour < 24) 
        mark *= 0.8;
    else if (lateHour < 48)
        mark = mark >> 1;
        else if (lateHour < 72)
            mark = mark >> 2;
                mark &= 0;


Plagiarism is a serious offense and can be easily detected. Please don't share your code to your classmate even if they are threatening you with your friendship. If they don't have the ability to work on something that can compile, they would not be able to change your code to a state that we can't detect the act of plagiarism. For the first commit of plagiarism, regardless you shared your code or copied code from others, you will receive 0 with an addition of 5 mark penalty. If you commit plagiarism twice, your case will be presented in the exam board and you will receive a F directly.

Marking Scheme

There are three elements in the marking scheme:

  • 5% - Understanding the Assignment Test (UAT)
  • 25% - The program can be compiled.
  • 65% - a working program that functions as specified
  • 5% - Programming style and documentation
  • Bonus - up to 5% of your overall grade - a creative design of the assignment. You are qualified for this part only if you have received 85% mark or above. Bonus is given based on the amount of effort (which may not be proportional to the outcome) you have spent on it. Amount of effort may be measured different for students at different levels.

Important: in this assignment, you are free to use any API including List, ArrayList...


Should the teaching team see fit, students may be requested to attend an interview to explain about their program. Students failing to attend such interview or to demonstrate a good understanding of their own program may result in mark deduction.