
GA to maximize the fitness function : (2xz exp(-x) - 2y^3 + y^2 - 3z^3)

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


GA to maximize the fitness function : (2xz exp(-x) - 2y^3 + y^2 - 3z^3)

Programming Task

This task is for finding the ultimate parent child pairs.


  1. ProgramminTask.ipynb file is a jupyter notebook file and can be directly open in google colab also.

  2. data_parent.txt file is the data set file having tab seperated data.

  3. test1.txt file is an example data set for testing algorithm.

  4. testoutput.txt include the output of an algorithm using test1.txt file.

  5. output.txt file include the final output against the data_parent data set.

  6. Example1.png is graphical representation of the test1.txt data set.

  7. Requirements and libraries used.

    • Python 3.9.12
    • pip 21.2.4
    • pandas 1.4.2
    • matplotlib 3.5.1