
Various useful Perl and shell programs

Primary LanguagePerlMIT LicenseMIT

README for jkeenan/scripts-misc

This repository contains publicly accessible programs I have written and which are available under the terms (MIT license) described in the LICENSE file.

These are executable programs written either in Perl 5 or Bourne-compatible shell for the following purposes:

  • Ongoing maintenance and development of the Perl 5 core distribution.
  • Presentations to open-source conferences and user group meetings.

You should treat these programs as alpha code and use accordingly. I make no claim that they are as polished or efficient as, for example, the libraries I have released to CPAN.


Perl 5 Core Distribution Aids


  • Purpose

    Installs CPAN-library installer cpanm against a newly installed perl.

  • Prerequisites


  • Usage

    This program is installed automatically via install_branch_for_testing in this repository. Once that program is run, change to the top-level of the newly installed perl.

      $> cd ~/testing/<my_branch>
      $> ./bin/cpanm List::Compare Text::CSV::Hashify <Other::CPAN::Module>
  • Provenance

    http://search.cpan.org/~miyagawa/Menlo-1.9005/script/cpanm-menlo and adapted from Florian Ragwitz and Karl Williamson.


  • Purpose

    Alternative Test-Smoke configuration; get quickly set up to smoke-test the Perl 5 core distribution.

  • Prerequisites

    • CPAN libraries not found in Perl 5 core distribution

        $> cpan Perl::Download::FTP::Distribution \
            CGI::Util JSON JSON::XS System::Info \
            HTTP::Daemon HTTP::Message Test::NoWarnings
    • Environmental Variables

      The program presumes that your home directory can be located in an environmental variable known as $HOMEDIR. If that is not the case, then call:

        $> export HOMEDIR=/home/<username>
  • Usage

      $> export APPLICATION_DIR=/home/<username>/p5smoke
      $> ./get-test-smoke --application_dir=$APPLICATION_DIR
      $> cd $APPLICATION_DIR
      $> sh ./smokecurrent.sh

    For more information: perldoc get-test-smoke.

  • Provenance



Exactly equivalent to:

$> install_branch_for_testing blead

See discussion of that program below.


  • Purpose

    Installs a branch of the Perl 5 core distribution for testing purposes, then installs cpanm against the newly installed perl. Useful in assessing whether code in a branch might have a negative impact on CPAN libraries.

  • Prerequisites

    • Directories

      Prior existence of two directories whose names are assigned to environmental variables:


        A directory underneath which you will have directories such as blead, threaded_blead, etc., each representing a particular build of perl Under each of the latter you will have bin and lib. Example:

          $> mkdir /home/<username>/testing/
          $> export TESTINGDIR=/home/<username>/testing  # place in .bashrc or .shrc

        A git checkout of the Perl 5 core distribution. This is labelled "secondary" in the belief that you will not want to risk harm to the git checkout you use for everyday Perl 5 core development. Example:

          $> cd /home/<username>/gitwork
          $> git clone git://perl5.git.perl.org/perl.git perl2
          $> export SECONDARY_CHECKOUT_DIR=/home/<username>/gitwork/perl2
    • Other environmental variables

      • $TEST_JOBS

        An integer such as 4 or 8, appropriate to the number of cores in your machine, which will determine how many jobs make will attempt to run in parallel.

    • Other items in PATH

      • git(1)
      • make(1)
      • get_cpanm (in this repository)
  • Usage

      $> install_branch_for_testing <branch>

    If no value is provided for branch, program will default to installing blead.

  • Provenance

    Adapted from Florian Ragwitz and Karl Williamson.

Conference Presentation Aids


  • Purpose

    Convert POD into .pdf, .html, .txt and .odt files simultaneously.

  • Prerequisites

    • pandoc(1)

      A general markup converter documented at http://pandoc.org. Install with your operating system's ports installer.

    • Pod::Pandoc(3)

      CPAN distribution Pod-Pandoc, which provides utility pod2pandoc(1).

  • Usage

      multipandoc \
        --sourcedir=/home/<username>/p5-codebase-health \
        --podfile=p5-codebase-health.pod \
        --outputdir=/home/<username>/tmp \
        --stub=p5-codebase-health \

    For more information: perldoc multipandoc.