As a main goal I've build a simple e-commerce application using the assets provided and added some of my own.
- NuxtJS
- VueJS
- TypeScript
- Eslint
- Stylelint
- Axios
- Jest for Unit tests
- Cypress for e2e tests
// Clone project from Git
// Move to project folder
cd js_challenge_khyati-bardolia
npm install
npm run dev
npm run build
npm run start
npm run generate
npm run lint
npm run lint:style
npm run lint:fix
npm run lint:style:fix
npm run test
npm run cypress:open
Deploy a create-nuxt-app into production with docker multi-stage build.
docker build -t js_challenge_khyati-bardolia .
docker images
docker run -p 8000:80 js_challenge_khyati-bardolia
Now open http://localhost:8000 in your browser to check its running !
- Use TypeScript ✅
- Develop a simple build system for application ✅
- Develop the “Add/Remove to Bag” and “Add/Remove to Wishlist” actions which work on client side only. ✅
- Develop a product listing pagination with 6 products per page. ✅
- The bag in the header must be updated with the new quantities and the new total price. ✅
- Build a mini-bag with convenient actions, coherent with design. Example of a mini-bag is included, BUT you must develop a mini-bag that’s coherent with the page’s design. ✅
- Make the application responsive. ✅
- Use CSS preprocessors. ✅
- Use of linting tools. ✅
- Unit testing. ✅