
Python coverage example

Primary LanguagePython

Codecov Python Example


Travis Setup

Add the following to your .travis.yml:

  - bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash)

Produce Coverage Reports

coverage.py <https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy>_ is required to collect coverage metrics.

Below are some examples on how to include coverage tracking during your tests. Codecov will call coveragexml -i automatically to generate the coverage xml output, which will be archived and processed server side.

You may need to configure a .coveragerc file. Learn more here <http://coverage.readthedocs.org/en/latest/config.html>. Start with this generic .coveragerc <https://gist.github.com/codecov-io/bf15bde2c7db1a011b6e> for example.

We highly suggest adding source to your .coveragerc which solves a number of issues collecting coverage.



pip install coverage
coverage run tests.py


ptest --cov=./


nosetest --with-coverage

See the Offical Nose coverage docs <http://nose.readthedocs.org/en/latest/plugins/cover.html>_ for more information.

Testing with tox

Codecov can be run from inside your tox.ini please make sure you pass all the necessary environment variables through:

passenv = CI TRAVIS TRAVIS_*
deps = codecov
commands = codecov


  • Q: What's the difference between the codecov-bash and codecov-python uploader?
    A: As far as python is concerned, nothing. You may choose to use either uploader. Codecov recommends using the bash uploader when possible as it supports more unique repository setups. Learn more at codecov/codecov-bash <https://github.com/codecov/codecov-bash>_ and codecov/codecov-python <https://github.com/codecov/codecov-python>_.
  • Q: Why am I seeing No data to report?
    A: This output is written by running the command coverage xml and states that there were no .coverage files found.
    1. Make sure coverage is enabled. See Enabling Coverage
    2. You may need to run coverage combine before running Codecov.
    3. Using Docker? Please follow this step: Testing with Docker: Codecov Inside Docker <https://github.com/codecov/support/wiki/Testing-with-Docker#codecov-inside-docker>_.
  • Q: Can I upload my .coverage files?
    A: No, these files contain coverage data but are not properly mapped back to the source code. We rely on coveragepy to handle this by calling coverage xml in the uploader.


Private Repo

Repository tokens are required for (a) all private repos, (b) public repos not using Travis-CI, CircleCI or AppVeyor. Find your repository token at Codecov and provide via appending -t <your upload token> to you where you upload reports.

Cobertura Reports

Cobertura reports can expire - Codecov will reject reports that are older than 12 hours. The logs contain details if a report expired.
