
Using ffmpeg and sdl2.

Primary LanguageC

Android AV Player using ffmpeg and SDL2

history: v2.6 --

  • ffmpeg and sdl2 : sync to newest source code.
  • History.java : add external editable source "/sdcard/ffplay/history.txt"
  • ffplay2.c : force set to screen size when video size too large (e.g. Cammera Photos).


ffmpeg-2.5+, SDL2.0.3+, android 2.3.3+(sdk>=10).

download depends and expand to /mnt/OpenSource/

http://libsdl.org/release/SDL2-2.0.4.tar.gz --> SDL2-2.0.4 git clone https://git.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git


you need patch jni/*.patch. (not needed since this commit)

general instructions

for convience, put this line in your .bashrc: export PATH=$PATH:/mnt/android-ndk-r10d:/mnt/android-sdk-linux/tools:/mnt/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools

do symbol links at first time or configs are changed: ./bootstrap.sh /mnt/OpenSource/ffmpeg /mnt/OpenSource/SDL2-2.0.4 ndk-build clean rm -rf jni/ffmpeg/android ant clean

compile native code: ndk-build -j$(nproc) 2>&1 | tee build.log

compile java code(old way): prepare project at first time: android update project --path . --target android-21 generate apk: ant debug install to phone: ant debug install

compile java code(using Android Studio): open exist project. Build -> Build Apk adb install -r build/outputs/apk/AndroidPlayer-debug.apk

ndk debug

  • ndk-build NDK_DEBUG=1
  • ant debug install
  • (optional) adb push ./gdbserver
  • ndk-gdb --start
  • b SDL_main (choose yes on shared library)
  • continue (means run on arm)

debug gateway

adb logcat -s gw

jdk debug

Using jdb with adb (no ADT)