
PGP cryptosystem that combines shared key, public-key encryption and certificates.

Primary LanguageJava

NIS Practical 2021

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Cryptosystem

Group Members

  1. Aidan Bailey (blyaid001)
  2. Insaaf Dhansay (dhnins001)
  3. Emily Morris (mrremi007)
  4. Kialan Pillay (pllkia010)

Installation and Execution

Gradle, a build automation tool, is used to manage the compilation and execution of the sources. You do not need to manually install Gradle, the Gradle Wrapper is used to invoke a declared version of Gradle.

Note that separate terminal sessions are required.

The following command must be executed first. It populates a keystore and saves the file to disk.

./gradlew run '-PmainClassName=CertificateAuthority' --console=plain

The server runs on port 4444 and listens for incoming client requests. A client that attempts to initiate communication with a server that is not active will result in an error.

./gradlew run '-PmainClassName=Server' --console=plain
./gradlew run '-PmainClassName=Client' --console=plain
./gradlew run '-PmainClassName=Client' --console=plain

Additional Notes

Note that whilst Server and Client can accept arguments to configure the default hostname ("localhost") and port (4444), the Gradle run task is configured to execute the programs with the default values only. This is the recommended configuration; attempting to run the sources manually using java is incompatible with Gradle.