simple file decode-encode tool like iconv but with different opts -f FILENAME -d DIRNAME -e TARGETENCODING [OPTIONS...]
"-f [filename] or -d [dirname] and -e [file encoding types] is not optional
target file name is /ChoosedPath/FileName-EncodeType
- --help or -h
- -f /path/filename
- -s DecodingType
- if dont use -s opt, decoding determine automaticly if possible
- -e EncodingType
- -t /new/files/path/
- -d /path/
- choose all files in a directory
- if use [--directory=here] or [-d here] use your current path
[Dir mode]
-d here
if use [-d here] use current path that you run $0 from
-x EXTENSION ex: -x txt
if use -d then you can determine file extensions you want
--regex="REGEX" or -r "REGEX"
choose file(s) name with your pattern
DIR mode ex: -d here -r "^\d-\w+(_flm)" -x srt
~$ -f ~/dir/first.txt -f /home/user/anotherdir/ -d here -r "^\d+\-.*" -e utf8
/home/user/dir/first.txt from windows-1256 kiaverted to first.txt-utf8 in utf8
Encoding of file /home/user/anotherdir/ can't be guessed
/home/user/heredir/ from utf-16 kiaverted to ~/ in utf8
/home/user/heredir/ from ISO-8859-5 kiaverted to ~/ in utf8
/home/user/heredir/15-fifteen.ext from ISO-8859-5 kiaverted to ~/ in utf8
Encoding of file /home/user/heredir/ can't be guessed
$ -f ~/dir/first.txt -f /home/user/anotherdir/ -d here -r "^\d+\-.*" -x srt -e utf8 -s cp1256 -t /home/user/targetdir/
/home/user/dir/first.txt from cp1256 kiaverted to /home/user/targetdir/first.txt-utf8 in utf8
/home/user/anotherdir/ from cp1256 kiaverted to /home/user/targetdir/ in utf8
/home/user/heredir/ from utf-16 kiaverted to /home/user/targetdir/ in utf8
/home/user/heredir/ from ISO-8859-5 kiaverted to /home/user/targetdir/ in utf8
/home/user/heredir/ from cp1256 kiaverted to /home/user/targetdir/ in utf-8