
this project is about the wallpapers website. this website has one slide show in index.html this website has 5 categories categoriey1 (popular): you can see and download 51 high rresulotion images in this part. categoriey2 (phone): you can see and download 51 high rresulotion images in this part. categoriey3 (Dark): you can see and download 51 high rresulotion images in this part. categorey4 (High Resulotion): you can see and download 51 high rresulotion images in this part. categorey5 (games): you can see and download 51 high rresulotion images in this part.

I tried to make the site attractive and it's get many time for me I hope you enjoy it. :))

about.html & contant.html: in this website i tride to intriduse myself.

index.html: this website is the firt thing that you can see it has nav bar anf one slide show that you can see 6 popular images with low quality.

wallpaper.html: in this web site you can see my 5 categories (popualr / phone / dark / ...) when you click on "click here for more * wallpapers" you go to another website that has 51 high resulation pictures.

popular.html : in this website i tried ti put the popular images in diffrent site and ask to some people to sent me their favorite images.

phone.html: when i research i undrestand that iranian people (my country) cant download good wallpaper . Beaucas we are ban from some google play app / pintrest / samsung store . So i research andd tried hard to find this wallpaper to people can easelly download nice and diffrent phone wallpapers.

Dark.html: my personality opinion is that dark images (especially dark wallpapers in my website ;) ) are very good for computer desktop . beaucas when you put dark wallpaper in your background ypu can easily read and see icons in desktop.

Games.html : now days most of people are gammers or if they not gammers they follow the game news (most people = most people in my country). So i decide to make a good categorey about games and put nice gamming wallpaper on that.

high resolution: you maybe think this image have nice quality why i add "High resolution" part? Beaucas in this category you see incredibly pictures like (win 11 / win 10 / mac) orginal wallpapers.

style.css : I think one of the important things in website is style. So i decide to make very nice and comefortable style for my website . When you click on the buttons they change the color . If you focus on the font you will undrestand that i used very beautifull font (but maybe you dont like that :) ) .

In this project, I try to post good photos for the people of my country to use. because during the research I did. there is no site in Iran to see good quality photos. I try to expand my site in the coming months. I will continue this work until there are minimum 5 photos of everything.


