
A simplified system derived from the Git version control system.

Primary LanguageC


Version control systems are crucial in any software project. In this assignment, you will design and implement the storage method, as well as some functions for Simple Version Control (SVC), a (very) simplified system derived from the Git version control system.

Description of SVC

Projects that are to be placed under SVC must be initialised with svc_init. This allows the system to create necessary data structures containing information about the state of the project.

Projects are comprised of files, and SVC computes a hash of each file to figure out if a change has occurred. Only files which are explicitly added to the version control system are tracked.

Commits are like a snapshot in time of the state of the project. In SVC, they contain details about which files have been added, removed, or modified, and sufficient information to restore a file to this state. The currently active commit is often referred to as the HEAD. Each commit has a “commit id” which uniquely identifies a given commit. Commit ids in SVC are represented in hexadecimal numbers and are exactly 6 characters long.

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Branches are useful to keep working copies of the project while working on new features or fixing bugs. When a project is created, a master branch is created by default. For example, this branch may be used to keep release versions of projects, and a branch features/something_special might contain additional code with a new feature that is not yet complete and would not be suitable for releasing.

A branch can be “checked out” to indicate that we want to switch our project to a specific branch and work from there. For example, after we create the features/something_special branch, it should be checked out before working on that feature.

Merging is the process of integrating changes from one branch into another. Once a new feature is complete, or a bug is fixed and testing is complete, we may wish to merge these changes back into the master branch to release. Note that merges can happen between any two branches, not necessarily with the master branch.

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Sometimes, we may want to reset to a specific commit. In this case, the files are reverted to the state they were in at that commit, and any new commits continue from that commit. This may result in some commits being detached from the rest of the SVC system. For example, if the master branch is reset to ec8856 and a new commit is made, ce9bd8 would not be reachable.

Function descriptions

void *svc_init();

This function will only be called once, before any other functions are called. In this function, you may choose to perform preparation steps. If you require some data structure to help with other operations, return a pointer to the area of memory containing this structure. In all further function calls, this will be passed in as void *helper.

void cleanup(void *helper); This function will only be called once, after all other functions have been called. Ensure all

dynamically allocated memory has been freed when this function returns.

int hash_file(void *helper, char *file_path);

Given the path to a file, compute and return the hash value using the algorithm described in Section 3.1. If file_path is NULL, return -1. If no file exists at the given path, return -2. This function should work even for files that are not being tracked.

char *svc_commit(void *helper, char *message);

Create a commit with the message given, and all changes to the files being tracked. This should return the commit id, which can be calculated by implementing the algorithm described in Sec- tion 3.2. If there are no changes since the last commit, or message is NULL, return NULL.

void *get_commit(void *helper, char *commit_id);

Given a commit_id, return a pointer to the area of memory you stored this commit. If a commit with the given id does not exist, or commit_id is NULL, this function should return NULL. Note only the NULL return values for this function will be tested. The commit you return here will be passed to some of the other functions to implement.

char **get_prev_commits(void *helper, void *commit, int *n_prev);

Given a pointer to a commit, return a dynamically allocated array. Each element in the array should point to the id of a direct parent commit. The number of direct parent commits should be stored in the area of memory pointed to by n_prev. If n_prev is NULL, return NULL. If commit is NULL, or it is the very first commit, this function should set the contents of n_prev to 0 and return NULL. Note: only the allocated array will be freed for you by the tester.

void print_commit(void *helper, char *commit_id); Given a commit_id, print the details of the commit as detailed below. If no commit with this

id exists, or commit_id is NULL, you should print Invalid commit id

For a valid commit, you should print the commit id, the branch it was committed to, a list of the added, removed and changed files in any order, and a list of the tracked files at this point in commit history on that branch along with their hash values, also in any order. Hashes are left padded with spaces to be exactly 10 characters wide.

commit id [branch name]: commit message
  + added file(s)
  - removed file(s)
  / changed file(s) [previous hash --> new hash]
  Tracked files (number of tracked files):
  [hash] file name

svc_branch(void *helper, char *branch_name);

Create a new branch with the given name. In this SVC, valid branch names are restricted to those that contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, slashes and dashes: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, /, -. If the given branch name is invalid or NULL, return -1. If the branch name already exists, return -2. If there are uncommitted changes, return -3. If the branching is

successful, return 0. Note: creating a branch does not check it out. int svc_checkout(void *helper, char *branch_name);

Make this branch the active one. If branch_name is NULL or no such branch exists, return -1. If there are uncommitted changes, return -2 and do not make this the active branch. Otherwise, return 0 and make it the active branch. Note in SVC, the branch is not created if it does not exist.

char **list_branches(void *helper, int *n_branches);

Print all the branches in the order they were created. In addition, return a dynamically allocated array of the branch names in the same order, and store the number of branches in the memory area pointed to by n_branches. If n_branches is NULL, return NULL and do not print anything. Note: only the allocated array will be freed for you by the tester.

int svc_add(void *helper, char *file_name);

This is a notification that a file at the path file_name should be added to version control. If file_name is NULL, return -1 and do not add it to version control. If a file with this name is already being tracked in the current branch, return -2. If this file does not exist, return -3. Otherwise, add the file to the SVC system and return the file’s hash value.

int svc_rm(void *helper, char *file_name);

This is a notification that a file at the path file_name should be removed from the version control system. If file_name is NULL, return -1. If the file with the given name is not being tracked in the current branch, return -2. Otherwise, remove the file from SVC and return its last known hash value (from adding or committing).

int svc_reset(void *helper, char *commit_id);

Reset the current branch to the commit with the id given, discarding any uncommitted changes. If commit_id is NULL, return -1. If no commit with the given id exists, return -2. It is guaran- teed that if a commit with this id exists, there will be one simple path from the HEAD of the current branch. That is, all commits from HEAD to the commit will have exactly one previous commit. Reset the branch to this commit and return 0. Note that this function means that some commits may be detached from the rest of the SVC system.

char *svc_merge(void *helper, char *branch_name, resolution * resolutions, int n_resolutions);

This function will be called to merge the branch with the name branch_name into the current branch. If branch_name is NULL, print Invalid branch name and return NULL. If no such branch exists, print Branch not found and return NULL. If the given name is the currently checked out branch, print Cannot merge a branch with itself and return NULL. If there are uncommitted changes, print Changes must be committed and return NULL. In all other cases, the merge procedure begins. Note that the way branches are merged in SVC is different to Git.

To merge two branches together, all tracked files in both branches are used. If there are conflict- ing files, it will appear in the resolutions array. Each resolution struct contains the name of the conflicting file, and a path to a resolution file. This file contains the contents that the file should contain after the merge. However, if the path given is NULL, the file should be deleted.

A commit with the message Merged branch [branch_name] replacing [branch_name] with branch_name is created with the necessary changes for the current branch to reflect changes made in the other branch. The previous commits order should be the current branch’s HEAD and then the other branch’s HEAD. The function should then print the message Merge successful and return the new commit id.

File Hash Algorithm

Below is the pseudocode to determine the hash value of a file. Note: this is not the same algorithm used in real world version control systems.

function file_hash(file_path):
    file_contents = read(file_path)
    file_length = num_bytes(file_contents)
    hash = 0
    for unsigned byte in file_path:
        hash = (hash + byte) % 1000
    for unsigned byte in file_contents:
        hash = (hash + byte) % 2000000000
    return hash

Commit ID Algorithm

Below is the pseudocode to determine the commit id of a file. Note: this is not the same algorithm used in real world version control systems.

function get_commit_id(commit):
    id = 0
    for unsigned byte in commit.message:
        id = (id + byte) % 1000
    for change in commit.changes in increasing alphabetical order of file_name:
        if change is addition, id = id + 376591
        if change is deletion, id = id + 85973
        if change is modification, id = id + 9573681
        for unsigned byte in change.file_name:
            id = (id * (byte % 37)) % 15485863 + 1
    return id as hexadecimal string