Avatar Chatbot


Welcome to the Avatar Chatbot project! This project aims to create an engaging and interactive chatbot that users can interact with using an avatar interface. The Avatar Chatbot enhances user experience by adding a visual and dynamic component to traditional text-based chatbots.


Avatar Chatbot is implemented with complete frontend and backend separation, allowing users to independently develop components they are interested in while maintaining minimal dependencies.

This means that users do not need to install large additional packages such as Gradio, Streamlit, Chainlit, or Langchain. Users can expand according to their own needs.



The only requirement for Avatar Chatbot is an OpenAI API Key (Only for Text Generation and Text to Speech). Users simply need to place their API Key in the environment variables (.env file) to successfully run the project.


Dev. Environment

  • Python 3.10
  • Ubuntu 20.04


Currently, Huggingface Models are not supported, but users can independently extend the related model inference modules!

Clone Project

git clone https://github.com/kiangkiangkiang/avatar-chatbot.git
cd avatar-chatbot

Launch Frontend Services

To get started with the frontend of the Avatar Chatbot, please follow these steps:

cd frontend
yarn dev

Now, you have started the frontend service. You can directly visit http://localhost:5173 to check the current status.

(Conversation is not possible at the moment because the backend has not been started yet.)

Any changes needed for the UI can be fully referenced from the contents inside the ./frontend directory. For changes related to the avatar, you can refer to the #Customize-Avatar section.

Launch Backend Services

Don't forget put your Open API Key in .env file!

Install Dependency

pip install -r requirements.txt

Launch Flask API

python -m chatbot

Now, your backend chatbot service is set up at http://localhost:3000. Therefore, you can go to http://localhost:5173 and try typing to chat with the Avatar!

Any chatbot-related configurations can be adjusted in the ./chatbot/utils/config.py file.

The http://localhost:3000 is set as the default in the frontend files. Therefore, if the service is expanded or modified in the future, you can adjust the backend communication port in the frontend files to ensure consistent communication.

Response with image

The backend currently supports image file transmission. Please encode the image in base64 and then convert it to utf-8 before sending it to the frontend. Additionally, ensure that the string-type image is included within the "image_data" key in the returned object.

For example:

# Support in ./chatbot/utils/toy_tools.py
def read_image(file: str) -> str:
    with open(file, "rb") as image_file:
        result = base64.b64encode(image_file.read()).decode("utf-8")
    return result

image_data = read_image("./chatbot/img/sample.png")

# response is a json object with Model response and animation 
return jsonify({"messages": response, "image_data": image_data})

The frontend default use the response_from_backend.image_data to parse image.


Lip-Sync Package

We use a lip-sync package to convert the MP3 files generated by GPT into a lip-sync JSON file, which is then sent to the frontend for display.

Therefore, we need to follow the steps below to install the package locally. Of course, it's possible to build without using this package, but the character's lip-sync may be out of sync.

  1. Download the package
wget https://github.com/DanielSWolf/rhubarb-lip-sync/releases/download/v1.13.0/Rhubarb-Lip-Sync-1.13.0-Linux.zip
  1. unzip & cp to workdir
unzip ./Rhubarb-Lip-Sync-1.13.0-Linux

mv ./Rhubarb-Lip-Sync-1.13.0-Linux/* <path_to_your_work_dir>/bin/

Then you can go to the file ./chatbot/utils/config.py to set USE_LIP_TOOL=True to enable the package use.

Note: if you don't want to use the package, set it into False.

Customize Avatar

To customize your own Avatar, this article uses Ready Player Me website for character modeling. Follow the steps below to personalize your avatar.

  1. Go to the website of Ready Player Me
  2. Click Try our Avatar Creator
  3. You can start to build you own avatar
  4. Click Next to Copy the .glb url
  5. Add the get arguments ?morphTargets=ARKit,Oculus Visemes in your url, such as https://models.readyplayer.me/YOUR_AVATAR_ID.glb?morphTargets=ARKit,Oculus Visemes
  6. wget the url to get the new avatar into your work directory
  7. Use npx gltfjsx@6.2.3 public/models/64f1a714fe61576b46f27ca2.glb -o src/components/Your-Avatar.jsx -k -r public to build the 3D avatar profile jsx file.

Then, you can modify the origin Avatar.jsx by your own avatar Your-Avatar.jsx.
