
dotfiles for bash, tmux, vim, and etc.

Primary LanguageShell

There is no place like $HOME

A collection of configuration files for the typical console programs bash, vim, screen, tmux, and misc.

Dotfiles management through Git following this blog post and HN post.


Install essential console tools:

sudo apt install git tmux curl vim autojump apt-file inotify-tools \
aria2 ripgrep pgcli fswatch fzf shellcheck hub hyperfine flatpak \
python-is-python3 gcc automake autoconf pipx gettext htop httpie

Only if Rust and Cargo are available:

cargo install hgrep

Install essential graphical tools:

sudo apt install gitk gedit chromium-chromedriver epiphany-browser \
chromium-browser gnome-shell-extensions \
gnome-browser-connector gnome-shell-extension-manager meld

Setup the alias:

alias hgit='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg/ --work-tree=$HOME'

Clone the repository:

hgit clone --bare git@github.com:kianmeng/dotfiles.git $HOME/.cfg

Backup all your existing dotfiles, if any (not needed for fresh install):

mkdir -p .config-backup && \
config checkout 2>&1 | egrep "\s+\." | awk {'print $1'} | \
xargs -I{} mv {} .config-backup/{}

Pull all dotfiles:

hgit checkout

Reload Bash and install all the necessary packages:

source ~/.bashrc

To manage these dot files, just use the hgit alias which is a wrapper to git.

Vim's Key Bindings

  • <space>, leader key
  • jj, exit from insert mode into normal mode
  • <space>p, toggle between paste mode and normal mode

Tmux's Key Bindings

  • <alt><space>, prefix key alt + space
  • <alt>j, switch to left tab
  • <alt>k, switch to right tab
  • <alt>o, create new tab
  • <shift>pgup, scroll previous page