I study Physics, I have PhD in theoretical HEP, but now, I'm learning Quantum Computing and AI.
Pinned Repositories
Drinking water is very important and necessary for our body and specifically for our brain, specially in these hot days of summer.
This piece of code in python will give a github username and returne the link of its profile picture
a jupyter notebook in which you can give a quantum circuit to it and it will decompose it to a universal set of gates that have been given to it by the user.
A collection of Jupyter notebooks showing how to use the Qiskit SDK
Python implementation of the circuit simulation ideas in "Simulation of quantum circuits by low-rank stabilizer decompositions" by Sergey Bravyi, Dan Browne, Padraic Calpin, Earl Campbell, David Gosset, Mark Howard. EC and MH were supported by the EPSRC (Grant No. EP/M024261/1). PC was supported by the EPSRC (Grant No. EP/L015242/1). The collaboration benefited from support by the NQIT project partnership fund (Grant No. EP/M013243/1), an EPSRC IIKE award and the IBM Research Frontiers Institute.
Machine Learning Course, Sharif University of Technology
kianooshkargar's Repositories
a jupyter notebook in which you can give a quantum circuit to it and it will decompose it to a universal set of gates that have been given to it by the user.
A collection of Jupyter notebooks showing how to use the Qiskit SDK
Drinking water is very important and necessary for our body and specifically for our brain, specially in these hot days of summer.
This piece of code in python will give a github username and returne the link of its profile picture
Python implementation of the circuit simulation ideas in "Simulation of quantum circuits by low-rank stabilizer decompositions" by Sergey Bravyi, Dan Browne, Padraic Calpin, Earl Campbell, David Gosset, Mark Howard. EC and MH were supported by the EPSRC (Grant No. EP/M024261/1). PC was supported by the EPSRC (Grant No. EP/L015242/1). The collaboration benefited from support by the NQIT project partnership fund (Grant No. EP/M013243/1), an EPSRC IIKE award and the IBM Research Frontiers Institute.