
Home-Assistant @ RPi with ESP32 Devices

Home Assistant Projects Repository

Welcome to the Home Assistant Projects Repository! This repository serves as a hub for various components and nodes in your smart home cluster, all managed and configured using Home Assistant. In this repository, you will find different folders, each representing a specific node or component in your smart home ecosystem.

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. Nodes
  3. Contributing
  4. License

Getting Started

Setting Up the Raspberry Pi

Before you begin with any Home Assistant node or component, it's crucial to have a properly configured Raspberry Pi to act as the central hub for your smart home. Follow these steps to set up your Raspberry Pi:

  1. Hardware Setup: Gather all the necessary hardware components, including a Raspberry Pi, microSD card, power supply, and peripherals.

  2. Operating System Installation: Install a compatible operating system on your Raspberry Pi, such as Raspberry Pi OS (formerly Raspbian). You can find installation instructions on the official Raspberry Pi website.

  3. Home Assistant Installation: Install Home Assistant on your Raspberry Pi. You can choose between Home Assistant OS, Home Assistant Supervised, or Home Assistant Supervised on a generic Linux system, depending on your preferences and requirements. Follow the Home Assistant installation documentation for detailed instructions.

  4. Configuration: Customize your Home Assistant configuration by editing the configuration.yaml file. Add devices, integrations, and automation rules to tailor Home Assistant to your specific needs.

  5. Secure Access: Ensure that you secure your Home Assistant instance by setting up authentication, enabling SSL/TLS, and following best practices for remote access.

Now that your Raspberry Pi is up and running with Home Assistant, you can start adding and configuring individual nodes and components for your smart home cluster.


In this repository, each folder represents a specific node or component in your smart home cluster. Below, you'll find a brief description of some of the folders:

Warm Water Pump

Description of the contents and purpose of this folder.


We welcome contributions from the Home Assistant community! If you have ideas, improvements, or new components to add to this repository, please follow our contribution guidelines to get started.


This project is licensed under the MIT License, which means you are free to use, modify, and distribute the code as long as you attribute the original source.