
A minimal implementation of Remote Method Invocation

Primary LanguageGo

Mimial RMI

A minimal implementation to understand Remote Method Invocation concepts better.

This codebase is submitted as a computer assignment for distributed systems course offered by Prof. A. Kalbasi at Tehran Polytechnic.


Frist clone the project and then follow the instructions below. To change client's behaviour reffer to file cmd/client/main.go especially the main function.

# first of all make sure to have golang version go1.17.5 installed on your system.
go version

# initialize environment
make clean

# compile the codes
make build

# run rmi server

# run remote object server

# run client process


//************** rmi server *****************

type Hello interface {
	SayHello() string

// ***************** remote object server *****************

type HelloRemoteObject struct {
	helloSentence string

func (h HelloRemoteObject) SayHello() string {
	return h.helloSentence

// ***************** client *****************

type HelloStub struct {
	name          string
	version       int
	remoteAddress string

func (h *HelloStub) SayHello() string {
	body, _ := json.Marshal(h)
	requestBody := bytes.NewBuffer(body)
	response, _ := http.Post(h.remoteAddress, "application/json", requestBody)
	defer response.Body.Close()
	responseBody, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
	return string(responseBody)

func (h *HelloStub) SetRemoteAddress(remoteAddress string) {
	h.remoteAddress = remoteAddress

var hello rmi.Hello = lookup("<rmi.Hello Value>", 1).(rmi.Hello)
result := hello.SayHello()


These material are used to implement this code:

  1. https://talks.golang.org/2013/distsys.slide#47
  2. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7052693/how-to-get-the-name-of-a-function-in-go
  3. https://dev.to/jinxankit/go-project-structure-and-guidelines-4ccm
  4. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16465705/how-to-handle-configuration-in-go
  5. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8103617/call-a-struct-and-its-method-by-name-in-go
  6. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10909685/run-parallel-multiple-commands-at-once-in-the-same-terminal