
Hadoop Template project using maven

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

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Team members' names

  1. Student Name:

    Student UT EID:

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    Student UT EID:


Course Name: CS378 - Cloud Computing

Unique Number: 51515

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Project Template

Running on Laptop


  • Maven 3

  • JDK 1.6 or higher

  • (If working with eclipse) Eclipse with m2eclipse plugin installed

The java main class is:


Input file: Book-Tiny.txt

Specify your own Output directory like


Create a JAR Using Maven

To compile the project and create a single jar file with all dependencies:

mvn clean package

Run your application

Inside your shell with Hadoop

Running as Java Application:

java -jar target/MapReduce-WordCount-example-0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar SOME-Text-Fiel.txt output

Or has hadoop application

hadoop jar your-hadoop-application.jar edu.cs.utexas.HadoopEx.WordCount arg0 arg1 ...

Create a single JAR File from eclipse

Create a single gar file with eclipse

  • File export -> export -> export as binary -> "Extract generated libraries into generated JAR"