
Machine translation (MT) benchmark dataset for languages in the Horn of Africa.


The HornMT repository contains data and the associated metadata for the project Machine Translation Benchmark Dataset for Languages in the Horn of Africa. The goal is to create a multi-way parallel corpus that will serve as a benchmark to accelerate progress in machine translation research and production systems for languages in the Horn of Africa.

Supported Languages

Language ISO 639-3 code
Afar aaf
Amharic amh
English eng
Oromo dorm
Somali Sam
Tigrinya tir


data/ contains one text file per language and each file contains news snippets in the same order for each language.

├── aar.txt
├── amh.txt
├── eng.txt
├── orm.txt
├── som.txt
└── tir.txt

metadata.tsv contains tab separated data describing each news snippet. The metadata contains the following fields.

  • Scope - describes whether the news is global or local. It takes two values: Global news and Local news.
  • Category - News category covering the following 12 topics
    • Art and Culture
    • Business and Economy
    • Conflicts and Attacks
    • Disaster and Accidents
    • Entertainment
    • Environment
    • Health
    • International Relations
    • Law and Crime
    • Politics
    • Science and Technology
    • Sport
  • Source - List of one or more URLs from which the news content is extracted or based on.
  • Domain - TLD corresponding to the URL(s) in Source.
  • Date - The publication date of the source article. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.

Other formats

All the data and associated metadata together in one file is also available in other file formats.

HornMT.xlsx - data and associated metadata in xlsx format.

HornMT.json - data and associated metadata in json format.

Below is an example row.

      "eng":"The World Meteorological Organisation reports that the ozone layer is damaged to its worst extent ever in the Arctic.",
      "aaf":"Baad Metrolojih Eglali Areketekeh Addal Ozonih qelu faxe waktik lafetle calat biyakisem xayose.",
      "amh":"የአለማ የአየር ንብረት ድርጅት በአርክቲክ አካባቢ ያለው የኦዞን ምንጣፍ ከፍተኛ ጉዳት እንደደረሰበት አስታወቀ፡፡",
      "orm":"Dhaabbanni Meetiroolojii Addunyaa baqqaanni oozonii Arkiitik keessatti gara sadarkaa isa hamaa haga ammaatti akka miidhame gabaase.",
      "som":"Ururka Saadaasha Hawada Adduunka ayaa ku warramaya in lakabka ozoneka ee Ka koreeya dhulka baraflayda uu waxyeelladii abid ugu darnaa soo gaadhay.",
      "tir":"ውድብ ሜትሮሎጂ ዓለም ኣብ ኣርክቲክ ዝርከብ ናሕሲ ኦዞን ኣዝዩ ብዝኸፍአ ደረጃ ከምዝተጎድአ ሓቢሩ፡፡"
      "category":"Science and Technology",