
Light version of datascience-docker

Primary LanguageDockerfile


What is this

What you can do with this Docker image

This image includes

Jupyter environment

  • jupyter notebook
  • jupyter lab

Machine Learning libraries

  • scikit-learn
  • LightGBM
  • PyTorch
  • Tensorflow
  • XGBoost
  • CatBoost

Python linting libraries

  • flake8
  • isort
  • black
  • mypy

Visualizing libraries

  • matplotlib
  • plotly
  • seaborn
  • bokeh

How to build

docker-compose build

How to use

Pull the docker image from DockerHub

docker pull youodf/datascience-light

Run the docker image with command

docker run youodf/datascience-light COMMAND

Create local environment for python linting

pipenv install



docker run youodf/datascience-light jupyter lab --ip='' --allow-root --no-browser

Jupyter Notebook

docker run youodf/datascience-light jupyter notebook --ip='' --allow-root --no-browser

Python scripts

docker run youodf/datascience-light python xxx.py