
An Android app that lets you search your contacts by voice. Internet not required. Based on PocketSphinx. Uses Estonian acoustic models.

Primary LanguageJava



Version tags are set by e.g.

git tag -a v0.8.18 -m 'version 0.8.18'

The last number should be even.


lint --html report.html .

PocketSphinx on Android

In order to successfully build:

  • PocketSphinx libraries must be installed
  • swig must be installed
  • Android NDK must be installed (tested with: android-ndk-r8e)
  • Android SDK must be installed
  • change SPHINX_PATH in jni/Android.mk to match your configuration
    • pocketsphinx (PocketSphinx 0.7 / PocketSphinx v0.5.99)
    • sphinxbase (Sphinxbase-0.7)

Follow http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/2011/05/building-pocketsphinx-on-android/ to get everything installed.

Building for release

Run these commands in the app-directory. You need to have the files:

First time:

# Delete bin/ and gen/
ant clean

# This is needed only for the first time,
# and is run in jni-directory
cd jni/

# Create Java wrappers and pocketsphinx_wrap.c.
# They are already in the repository (generated using swig 2.0.4) so you do not
# necessarily need to run this.
# Note that swig 2.0.5+ breaks ndk_build. There is probably
# a simple solution to it but I haven't found it.
make swig_build

# Compile the c-files.
# First set an environment variable `ANDROID_NDK` to point to the Android NDK
make ndk_build

# Go back into the main directory
cd ..

# Compile and package everything for the release
# (asks for the release keys)
ant release

# Install
adb install -r bin/Inimesed-release.apk

Next time:

ant clean release
adb install -r bin/Inimesed-release.apk