ERPNext POS Controller (Alpha)

ERPNext plugin that helps in adding some restrictions over default POS.

Table of Contents


  • Frappe >= v13.0.0
  • ERPNext >= v13.0.0


⚠️ Important ⚠️

Do not forget to replace [sitename] with the name of your site in all commands.


  1. Go to bench directory
cd ~/frappe-bench
  1. Get plugin from Github

(Required only once)

bench get-app
  1. Build plugin

(Required only once)

bench build --apps erpnext_pos_controller
  1. Install plugin on a specific site
bench --site [sitename] install-app erpnext_pos_controller
  1. Check the usage section below


  1. Go to app directory
cd ~/frappe-bench/apps/erpnext_pos_controller
  1. Get updates from Github
git pull
  1. Go to bench directory
cd ~/frappe-bench
  1. Build plugin
bench build --apps erpnext_pos_controller
  1. Update a specific site
bench --site [sitename] migrate
  1. Restart bench
bench restart


  1. Go to bench directory
cd ~/frappe-bench
  1. Uninstall plugin from a specific site
bench --site [sitename] uninstall-app erpnext_pos_controller
  1. Remove plugin from bench
bench remove-app erpnext_pos_controller
  1. Restart bench
bench restart


  1. Go to POS Controller Settings
  2. Check the Is Enabled box
  3. Apply the settings to all users or choose the Applicable Users that you want
  4. Check the *Restrict Max Total For All Items box to apply the Default Item Max Total to all items or choose the Restrict Items that you want
