
simple C library for video processing pipelines

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

vpp is a video processing pipeline library.

$ make
$ ./bin/readvid 'yourinput/*.png' - | ./bin/example - - | ./bin/writevid - output/%03d.tif

See src/example.c for an example of a recursive average using vpp.

A pipeline is defined as a sequence of programs communicating using vpp's C functions through unix pipes (or files). A given program can have many inputs and outputs, allowing for complex pipelines.

To load and save a video, readvid and writevid are provided (but can be replaced with your own). They are using iio to load/save sequence of images.

Another example (temporal difference of the 30th first frames):

$ mkfifo copy;
$ readvid 'yourinput/*.png' - \
  | vp take - - 30 \
  | vp dup - - copy \
  | vp skip - - 1 \
  | vp zip - copy - 'x-y' \
  | writevid - test/%04d.tif

Release notes

  • v2.5.0 - 2019/11/18

    • vpp is now a single header library (use #define VPP_IMPLEMENTATION before including vpp.h)
    • pipeline drawing with VPP_OUTPUT_DOT has been removed
    • support inclusion of vpp.h from C++
    • update iio
  • v2.4.0 - 2018/10/23

    • draw pipeline graphs using dot (enable with VPP_OUTPUT_DOT)
    • improve compatibility with non-linux systems (thanks @mnhrdt)
  • v2.3.2 - 2018/09/17

    • fix an issue with vpp_init_input introduced in v2.2.0
    • improve error reporting
    • vpp_init_input now returns NULL if the frame size is invalid (it should be positive)
      • this might indicate that a writer wrongly initialized its output
  • v2.3.1 - 2018/09/16

    • add operator 'vp zip'
    • fix two issues with 'vp dup'
  • v2.3.0 - 2018/09/16

    • add function 'vpp_init_inputs' to initialize multiple inputs at once, required for complex pipelines.
    • add two vp operators: dup and buf
  • v2.2.0 - 2018/09/15

    • add 'vlambda' (from the code of plambda)
    • move 'vp exec' to 'vexec'
    • fix a bug where the libc kept the header in buffer
  • v2.1.0 - 2018/09/13

    • add a 'vp' binary that contains many operators:
      • basic blocks: take, repeat, first, last, skip, concat, timeinterval, average, count, max, min, sum
      • more advanced: map, reduce, scan, framereduce, exec
  • v2.0.0 - 2018/09/12

    • removes the notion of video length (breaks API and file format compatibility with v1)
  • v1.0.0 - 2018/09/11

    • first working version

TODO list

  • documentation for the basic building blocks in src/vp.c

For readvid and writevid:

  • support multipage tiff
  • support video format