
CircleCI Orb for Tailscale

MIT LicenseMIT

CircleCI Orb for using Tailscale

Orb: https://circleci.com/developer/orbs/orb/threecomma/circleci-tailscale

Quick Start Guide

Use CircleCI version 2.1 at the top of your .circleci/config.yml file.

version: 2.1

If you do not already have Pipelines enabled, you'll need to go to Project Settings -> Advanced Settings and turn it on.

Add the orbs stanza below your version, invoking the orb:

  circleci-tailscale: threecomma/circleci-tailscale@2.1.0
  1. Goto the Tailscale Admin Console and create a new Auth Key. Select Ephemeral Key

  2. Create an environment variable in your project: TAILSCALE_AUTH_KEY and paste the new key you created.

  3. The orb automatically exposes environment variables: [http_proxy,https_proxy,ALL_PROXY,HTTP_PROXY,HTTPS_PROXY] that populates to socks5h://localhost:1055/.

This makes it compatible with various applications like curl that respect these environment variables to proxy through a socks5 proxy.

The reason we use socks5h is to force DNS resolution through the socks5 proxy that is setup with Tailscale.

Sample workflow in CircleCI

Here is a sample .circleci/config.yml If you would like to change the tailscale version you can set the parameter tailscale-version.

version: 2.1

  circleci-tailscale: threecomma/circleci-tailscale@2.1.0

      - image: circleci/node:fermium-stretch
        type: env_var_name
        default: TAILSCALE_AUTH_KEY
      - checkout
      - circleci-tailscale/connect
      - run:
          name: curl a tailscale machine over port 8080
          command: |
            until curl "http://[machine].[namespace].beta.tailscale.net:8080/"
             sleep 1


Parameter Description Default Value
tailscale-auth-key Your Tailscale authentication key, from the admin panel.
tailscale-version Tailscale version to use. 1.20.4