
BitBucket auth plugin for verdaccio

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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verdaccio-bitbucket is a fork of sinopia-bitbucket. It aims to keep backwards compatibility with sinopia, while keeping up with npm changes.

Verdaccio Module For User Auth Via Bitbucket

This module provides an engine for Verdaccio to make user authorizations via Bitbucket API.


As simple as running:

$ npm install -g verdaccio-bitbucket


    allow: TeamOne(admin), TeamX(admin|collaborator), TeamZ
    ttl: 604800 # make cache live for 7 days, optional, default = 1 day
    allow_access: TeamZ
    allow_publish: TeamOne, TeamX # restrict to bitbucket teams

How does it work?

User provides a login/password which he uses to perform auth on Bitbucket. Verdaccio will grant access to the user only if he matches the teams and roles from the configured "allow" option.

This option provides a way to specify which teams and their roles should be authorized by Verdaccio. If team name is set without roles it would be treated as any role grants a successful sign in for the user. Controversial, if roles are specified within the team, Verdaccio will check if signed user has an appropriate role in the team.

After this it is becomes possible to configure team-based access to the packages as seen on config example above.

Loging In

To log in using NPM, run:

    npm adduser --registry  https://your.registry.local

Since the username for bitbucket is the email addresses and cannot contain @, replace the @ with two peiods .. The email address is then parsed and converted to a normal email address for authentication


It is currently not supported adding Bitbucket user via npm command line. Maybe I will add this option in the future if there would be such need. If you want to help improve this module - feel free to contribute or do whatever you want. License is MIT, as usual.