
Copy content from one PC using CTRL C and use CTRL V on other PC where you want to PASTE the content. Easy way to share code and links.



Copy content from one PC using CTRL C and use CTRL V on other PC where you want to PASTE the content. JAVA implementation using JNativeHook, java sockets and clipboard. Hashset and handlers are used to manage multiple clients. Mechanism which helps you to simulate the concept of shortcut copy paste on different PC. Helps you to share codes and links when you are working on a project or working as a team. No limitations on number of users. Users can be globally located.

Receive Notification when other users copy any clip.

  1. Run the server CPserver in a PC, which would act as server. Command to run the server : java -jar CPserver.jar

  2. Run CPclient on other PC's.

  3. Client can be even run on server PC.

  4. Check whether client can ping the server, through internet or local network.

  5. Enter the IP of the server PC in in client program when asked.

  6. Enter unique name for each client when asked.

  7. Use on/off button to go online and offline.


contact : gauthamvk@gmail.com