
Nestjs + gRPC golang

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Example of gRPC application between node and golang.

This handle high CPU tasks by assiging it to a more performantic language (golang) to do the job.

On this example, it will receive a number called nonce, and it will find what number added to it, that the hash value will start with 6 zeros in a row.

Thats a very long calculation. so we using go to spread this job on multiple CPU cores.

It queue pending jobs using Bull js and store the queue on Redis.

Current list of complete jobs, pending and being processed can be accessed by websocket connection.

Use this route to add a number to be processed. image

and then you can watch the progress on the websocket client.



$ pnpm install

Running the app

# development
$ pnpm start

# watch mode
$ pnpm dev

# production mode
$ pnpm start

gRPC server

This project is currently using a go grpc server

Generating grpc files

Run this command while inside grpc folder

protoc \
--go_out=solver/ \
--go_opt=paths=source_relative \
--go-grpc_out=solver/ \
--go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative solver.proto

just run

go run main.go

To start go gRPC server

Queue system with Bulljs - Redis

This apllication requires redis running on port 6379 (default) Used to manage queue

Api documentation - Swagger

located at /api

Auto generated documentation for all routes inside the application.

Running with docker

# create image and containers
docker-compose create
# start server and services
docker-compose start


# server and api documentation
# websocket client to see jobs being processed