
A euphoria.io bot library for java

Primary LanguageJava


A euphoria.io bot library for java


Run ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal to add the library to your local maven repo,

and then add the latest version to your dependencies

implementation "io.github.kidofcubes:euphoria-api:0.1.0"

Writing a bot

EuphoriaBot bot = new EuphoriaBot("ExampleBotName"); // initiate bot
bot.joinRoom(new URI("wss://euphoria.io/room/testing/ws")); // connect to a websockets endpoint

Functionality is added by extending the EuphoriaBot class and overriding functions

class ExampleBot extends EuphoriaBot{
    public void onJoinRoom(RoomConnection connection){
        connection.sendEuphoriaMessage(new Message("Hello World"));