
A git wrapper to provide additional features around working with stories

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A git wrapper to provide additional features around working with stories.


gitcli is an extended git CLI tool written in Go. It is written to stop fiddling around creating new stories, managing remote branches, switching between working branches while reserving the context, and cleaning up stories, including remote branches, stashes, and databases.

gitcli is designed to work well with any git repository.


Currently only supporting MacOS 64bit binary. More binaries for different OS will be supported later.

Installing Binary

Download the released binary from releases and place it in your PATH to run globally.

Enable accessing git repos via ssh (link to instruction).

Then add ssh key paths to git config.

$> git config story.ssh.publickey '/Users/kchu/.ssh/id_rsa.pub'
$> git config story.ssh.privatekey '/Users/kchu/.ssh/id_rsa'

Building Binary from Source (Advanced)

To be added.


Creating new story

Add source to git config


Add remote target to git config

$> git config story.remote.target TARGET_REMOTE_NAME

Then run the gitcli command to create new branch.

$> gitcli story new --source SOURCE_IDENTIFIER --branch NEW_BRANCH_NAME

Following operations will be executed in the order.

  • Stash any changes on current branch
  • Fetch most recent changes of SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME from its remote
  • Create new branch NEW_BRANCH_NAME off of SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME by referencing it via SOURCE_IDENTIFIER
  • Push new local branch to TARGET_REMOTE_NAME

For example, in the following case,

  • I forked my repo from FooBar/master into origin/master
  • I need to push local branch to origin/feature-branch-1
  • I need to create a pull request against FooBar/master

I run these commands to create my new local branch.

$> git config story.source.master FooBar/master
$> git config story.remote.target origin
$> gitcli story new --source master --branch feature-branch-1

Switching to story

Switch to an existing local branch.

$> gitcli story switch -p PATTERN

This command displays an enumerated list of local branches. If a branch is selected, the following operations will be executed.

  • Stash any changes on current branch
  • Checkout the chosen branch and make it HEAD
  • Pop the last stash this checked-out branch has, if any

If PATTERN is not specified, all local branches will be presented.

If PATTERN is specified, only local branches whose names regex-match with the PATTERN will be presented.

Deleting story

Add database access info to git config

$> git config story.hosteddb.host
$> git config story.hosteddb.port 3306
$> git config story.hosteddb.user foo
$> git config story.hosteddb.pass bar

Then run the gitcli command to delete/drop branches, stashes, and dbs.

$> gitcli story delete -p PATTERN

This command displays a bullet list of items that will be deleted/dropped. If confirmed by typing "Y", following operations will be executed.

  • Deletes local branches
  • Deletes remote branches
  • Drops stashes
  • Drops databases

If PATTERN is not specified, all local branches, remote branches, stashes, and databases will be deleted.

If PATTERN is specified, only iterms that regex-match with the PATTERN will be deleted.

Pulling recent changes

Add source to git config


Then run the gitcli command to pull most rencent changes into current branch

$> gitcli story pull -s SOURCE_IDENTIFIER

Then following operations will be executed in the order.

  • Fetch most recent changes of SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME from its remote
  • Attempt to merge SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME into current local branch

For example, in the following case,

  • I forked my repo from FooBar/master into origin/master
  • I need to create a pull request against FooBar/master
  • I need to pull most recent changes of FooBar/master to make sure I don't have any conflict in my PR

I run these commands to pull.

$> git config story.source.master FooBar/master
$> gitcli story pull --source master

If there are any conflicts, you will get a message saying you have conflicts. These conflicts will need to be handled manually and comitted.

Opening Pull Request page in browser

Add source to git config


Then run the gitcli command to open a link to create pull request for current branch merging into SOURCE_IDENTIFIER repository.

$> gitcli story pullrequest -s SOURCE_IDENTIFIER

For example, in the following case,

  • I forked my repo from FooBar/master into origin/master
  • I created a new feature branch feature/new-feature with origin/new-feature as upstream
  • I need to create a pull request against FooBar/master

I run these commands to open pull request link.

$> git config story.source.master FooBar/master
$> gitcli story pullrequest --source master

This will open a pull request to merge feature/new-feature into FooBar/master


I have my git command setup in the following way.

git () {
        customCmds=("s" "story")
        if [[ ${customCmds[(i)$1]} -le ${#customCmds} ]]
                gitcli "$@"
                /usr/bin/git "$@"

This lets me use git story new/switch/delete/pull as if I am using the native git client.

