The Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers Technical Committee

The Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers Technical Committee (TC) is the technical governing body of the ISIS Software Package. It is described in the TC Charter.

TC Scope

The TC is responsible for the ISIS project, a number of projects depended upon by ISIS project, and a number of adjacent projects.

The TC exercises autonomy in managing its responsibilities and seeks agreement from the ASC Management Team on any change to the scope of those responsibilities as defined below.


ISIS is defined as the contents of the repository located at This is the location of the ISIS low-level API and applications. As the ASC continues to modularize ISIS and explores potential name changes this document will be updated appropriately.

Dependent Projects

Additional projects fall within the TC's scope of responsibility which are dependencies of ASC Core in that they are required to plan, test, build, document and ship ASC Software releases.

These projects are located in the following repositories:

Adjacent Projects

The TC is responsible for a number of projects that are not strictly required to plan, test, build, document and ship ISIS releases. Projects that are adjacent are either created from within the technical organization managed by the TC or are adopted into that organization from outside.

In the case of adopting existing projects, once the TC has decided that adoption appropriate, it should seek agreement from the ASC Management Team for such adoption as it impacts the scope of technical activities.

If the ASC Management Team wishes to adopt an existing project, it must seek agreement from the TC that such adoption is appropriate and that any changes to scope that it entails are acceptable.

Current adjacent projects that are within the TC's scope of responsibility include:

List of TC Responsibilities

The TC exercises autonomy in setting up and maintaining procedures, policies, and management and administrative structures as it deems appropriate for the maintenance and operation of these projects and resources.

Included in the responsibilities of the TC are:

  • Managing code and documentation creation and changes for the listed projects and resources
  • Setting and maintaining standards covering contributions of code, documentation and other materials
  • Managing code and binary releases: types, schedules, frequency, delivery mechanisms
  • Making decisions regarding dependencies of the ISIS project, including what those dependencies are and how they are bundled with source code and releases
  • Setting overall technical direction for the ISIS project, including high-level goals and low-level specifics regarding features and functionality
  • Setting and maintaining appropriate standards for community discourse via the various mediums under TC control
  • Setting and maintaining governance rules for the conduct and make-up of the TC, Working Groups and other bodies within the TC's domain

Many of these responsibilities will be delegated by the TC to appropriate bodies such as the Working Groups.

TC Members

TC members are responsible for top level technical community concerns. The role is mostly administrative and is responsible for admitting new Top Level Projects, Top Level Working Groups, and advocating for any needs in the technical side of the foundation to the ASC Management Team.

TC members can nominate new members at any time. Candidates for membership tend to be people who have a competency for community management and a high tolerance and patience for process minutiae as the TC delegates most of its responsibilities to other projects and working groups.

A current list of TC members is maintained in the main TC repository.

Strategic Initiatives

At any one time the ASC Software projects have a number of strategic initiatives underway. The goal of the TC is to have a champion for each of these initiatives and to support the initiatives in order to enable their success.

For more information look here: Strategic Initiatives

Top-Level WGs and TLPs

  • Working Groups
  • Top-Level Projects
  • Core TLP
  • Core WGs (for example, streams)

Policy Change Proposal Process

The TC is chartered to oversee the technical governance of all Top Level Projects and Working Groups under the ISIS Software Package. The TC establishes the default governance, conduct, and licensing policies for all Top Level Projects. Top Level Projects and Working Groups have broad powers of self-governance.

To propose a change or addition to policies or processes that are intended to cover all Top Level Projects and Working Groups in the foundation, a PR should be opened in the USGS-Astrogeology/ISIS_TC repository.

The pull request can be labeled tc-agenda to request that it be put on the agenda for the next TC meeting.

The ASC Management Team retains certain rights (especially legal considerations). If the TC endorses a proposal, they will escalate this proposal to the ASC Management Team when required to do so.

In some cases, existing individual groups have the right to refuse changes to their charters. The TC cannot mandate existing working groups alter their charters. If such a situation arises, the TC may decide to revoke the group's charter.