
This repository contains the backend implementation for a contact management system built using Node.js.

Contact Management System Backend

Welcome to the contact management system backend repository! This repository contains the backend implementation for a contact management system built using Node.js.


  • Contact CRUD Operations: The system supports basic CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) for managing contacts. Users can create new contacts, retrieve existing contacts, update contact information, and delete contacts from the system.

  • Authentication and Authorization: The backend implements authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure secure access to the system. Users can authenticate themselves using their credentials and obtain an access token. The access token is required to make requests to protected endpoints, ensuring that only authorized users can perform operations on contacts.

  • Validation and Error Handling: Input validation is implemented to ensure that only valid data is stored in the system. The backend validates incoming requests to ensure that the required fields are present and in the correct format. If validation fails, appropriate error messages are returned to the client.

  • Data Persistence: Contacts are stored in a database for persistent storage. The backend integrates with a database, such as MongoDB, to store and retrieve contact information. This ensures that contacts are stored reliably and can be accessed even after server restarts.

  • Search and Filtering: The system provides search and filtering capabilities to retrieve contacts based on specific criteria. Users can search for contacts by name, email, phone number, or any other relevant field. This feature helps users find specific contacts quickly and efficiently.

  • Pagination: To handle large datasets, pagination is implemented. The backend supports retrieving contacts in smaller chunks or pages, making it easier to handle and display large amounts of contact data. Pagination helps improve performance by reducing the amount of data transferred in a single request.

  • Integration Testing: The backend code is accompanied by integration tests to ensure the correctness and reliability of the system. Integration tests verify the behavior of the API endpoints and validate that the system functions as expected. These tests help catch any issues or regressions during development or when making changes to the codebase.

Installation, Usage, API Endpoints, Contributing, and License

For information on installation, usage, API endpoints, contributing guidelines, and license details, please refer to the README file provided in the repository.