
OCP Operator for KIE

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Kie Cloud Operator

Go Report




The default builder is set to podman, to change set the BUILDER environment variable, e.g.:

BUILDER=docker make

Upload to a container registry


docker tag quay.io/kiegroup/kie-cloud-operator:<version> quay.io/<your-registry-username>/kie-cloud-operator:<version>
docker push quay.io/<your-registry-username>/kie-cloud-operator:<version>


If the quay.io repository where the images were pushed is private, a pull secret will need to be configured, otherwise all operator related images must be public.

Deploy to OpenShift 4.7+ using OLM

To install this operator on OpenShift 4 for end-to-end testing, make sure you have access to a quay.io (https://quay.io/) account to create an application repository. Follow the authentication instructions for Operator Courier to obtain an account token. This token is in the form of "basic " and both words are required for the command.

Also note that the push command does not overwrite an existing repository, and it needs to be deleted before a new version can be built and uploaded. Once the bundle has been uploaded, create an Operator Source to load your operator bundle in OpenShift.

To create the bundle image follow the steps

  • Create your own bundle
  • Push the bundle on the container registry
  • Build the index
  • Push the index on the container registry
  • Disable default catalog sources on Openshift
  • Write your Catalog-source
  • Create your catalog source on Openshift
  • Write your Subscription
  • Create your Subscription on Openshift

To Restore your cluster from your bundle image changes follow the steps

  • Cleanup your catalog-source

Create your own Bundle

i.e. 7.13.0-1 version Remove the following line from deploy/olm-catalog/dev/7.13.0-1/manifest/businessautomation-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml

replaces: businessautomation-operator.<last-version>

Set your registry id, like quay username with USERNAME as env

export USERNAME=<your-registry-id>

activate Cekit and run the following command

$ make bundle-dev

the last log line is something like this:

INFO  Image built and available under following tags: quay.io/<your_quay_username>/rhpam-operator-bundle:7.12.1, quay.io/${USERNAME}/rhpam-operator-bundle:latest

Push the bundle on the container registry

VERSION=$(go run getversion.go)

$ docker push quay.io/${USERNAME}/rhpam-operator-bundle:${VERSION}

Build the index image

opm index add --bundles quay.io/${USERNAME}/rhpam-operator-bundle:${VERSION} --tag quay.io/${USERNAME}/rhpam-operator-index:${VERSION}

Push the index on the container registry

Log in into your quay.io account:

podman login quay.io

Push the index on your quay repository

podman push quay.io/${USERNAME}/rhpam-operator-index:${VERSION}

Disable default catalog sources on Openshift

To test your Operator, with bundle and index you need to disable the default source like the operator hub

oc patch OperatorHub cluster --type json -p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/disableAllDefaultSources", "value": true}]'

Write your Catalog-source

A catalog source is repository of CSVs, CRDs, and packages that define an application.

apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: CatalogSource
  name: xxxxxname
  namespace: openshift-marketplace
  sourceType: grpc
  image: xxxxximage
  displayName: My Operator Catalog
  publisher: grpc

Choose a CATALOG_SOURCE_NAME something like "my-operator-manifests"

Example of catalog-source.yaml

apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: CatalogSource
  name: my-operator-manifests
  namespace: openshift-marketplace
  sourceType: grpc
  image: quay.io/<your_quay_id>/rhpam-operator-index:7.13.0
  displayName: My Operator Catalog
  publisher: grpc

Create catalog source on Openshift

oc create -f catalog-source.yaml

Write your Subscription

A subscription keeps CSVs up to date by tracking a channel in a package.

apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: Subscription
  name: businessautomation-operator
  namespace: <your-namespace>
  channel: stable
  name: businessautomation-operator
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace

Example of subscription.yaml

apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: Subscription
  name: businessautomation-operator
  namespace: my-namespace
  channel: stable
  name: businessautomation-operator
  source: my-operator-manifests
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace

Create your Subscription on Openshift

You could create the subscription copying the yaml in the the OCP UI or from cli with Openshift Client

oc create -f subscription.yaml

On OpenShift go to your project (e.g. my-namespace) to see your subscription and your operator, this could take a variable time to be visible.

Cleanup catalog-source

After your test are completed, to restore the Operator hub and remove your catalog source delete your catalog source and run the following command:

oc patch OperatorHub cluster --type json -p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/disableAllDefaultSources", "value": false}]'

It will take a few minutes for the operator to become visible under the OperatorHub section of the OpenShift console Catalog. It can be easily found by filtering the provider type to Custom.

Trigger a KieApp deployment

Use the OLM console to subscribe to the Kie Cloud Operator Catalog Source within your namespace. Once subscribed, use the console to Create KieApp or create one manually as seen below.

$ oc create -f deploy/crs/v2/kieapp_rhpam_trial.yaml
kieapp.app.kiegroup.org/rhpam-trial created

Clean up a KieApp deployment

oc delete kieapp rhpam-trial


Change log level at runtime w/ the DEBUG environment variable. e.g. -

make mod
make clean
DEBUG="true" operator-sdk run local --watch-namespace <namespace>

Also at runtime, change registry for rhpam ImageStreamTags -

INSECURE=true REGISTRY=<registry url> operator-sdk run local --watch-namespace<namespace>

Before submitting PR, please be sure to generate, vet, format, and test your code. This all can be done with one command.

make test

Build rhel-based image for release

Requires cekit v3.11 and rhpkg -

# local build
make rhel
# scratch build
make rhel-scratch
# release candidate
make rhel-release

CSV Generation

make csv

Upgrade Postgresql Images between different versions of the Operator

Upgrade from 10 to 12 https://github.com/sclorg/postgresql-container/tree/master/12#upgrading-database-by-switching-to-newer-postgresql-image-version

Upgrade from 12 to 13 https://github.com/sclorg/postgresql-container/tree/master/13#upgrading-database-by-switching-to-newer-postgresql-image-version