
[FPGA'21] CoDeNet is an efficient object detection model on PyTorch, with SOTA performance on VOC and COCO based on CenterNet and Co-Designed deformable convolution.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


CoDeNet: Efficient Deployment of Input-Adaptive Object Detection on Embedded FPGAs. (FPGA 2021 Oral)
This is the official implementation for CoDeNet, including training/testing/quantization codes and model zoo.


CoDeNet is an efficient object detection model on PyTorch, with SOTA performance on Pascal VOC and Microsoft COCO datasets under efficient settings. It is based on CenterNet with co-designed deformable convolution and an efficient network architecture. It can run 27fps on an Ultra96 (ZU3EG) FPGA with 55.1 AP50 on Pascal VOC.

Main Results

These are our main results on Pascal VOC dataset, taken from Table 3 in our paper.

Detector Resolution DownSample W/A-bit Model Size MACs Framerate AP50
Tiny-YOLO 416x416 MaxPool W32A32 60.5MB 3.49G NA 57.1
CoDeNet1x(config a) 256x256 Stride4 W4A8 0.76MB 0.29G 32.2 51.1
CoDeNet1x(config b) 256x256 S2+MaxPool W4A8 0.76MB 0.29G 26.9 55.1
CoDeNet1x(config c) 512x512 Stride4 W4A8 0.76MB 1.14G 9.3 61.7
CoDeNet1x(config d) 512x512 Stride4 W4A8 2.90MB 3.54G 5.2 67.1
CoDeNet1x(config e) 512x512 S2+MaxPool W4A8 2.90MB 3.58G 4.6 69.7

These are our main results on Microsoft COCO dataset, taken from Table 4 in our paper.

Detector Weights Activations Model Size MACs AP AP50 AP75 APs APm APl
CoDeNet1x 32bit 32bit 6.07 MB 1.24G 22.2 38.3 22.4 5.6 22.3 38.0
CoDeNet1x 4bit 8bit 0.76 MB 1.24G 18.8 33.9 18.7 4.6 19.2 32.2
CoDeNet2x 32bit 32bit 23.4 MB 4.41G 26.1 43.3 26.8 7.0 27.9 43.5
CoDeNet2x 4bit 8bit 2.93 MB 4.41G 21.0 36.7 21.0 5.8 22.5 35.7


  1. Make a directory for CoDeNet, clone this repo and rename it as src.
mkdir CoDeNet
cd CoDeNet
git clone https://github.com/Zhen-Dong/CoDeNet.git
mv CoDeNet src
  1. Build a new virtual environment with python3.6 and install the requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Build the external library.
cd lib/models/external

Note that whenever one moves to a new python environment or a new machine, the external lib should be rebuilt.

  1. Create directories for experiments, download our pretrained models from google drive and put them under corresponding directories. The directories should look like this.
|-- src
`-- exp
    `-- ctdet
        |-- pascal_shufflenetv2_config_a
        |   `-- model_last.pth
        |-- pascal_shufflenetv2_config_b
        |   `-- model_last.pth
        |-- pascal_shufflenetv2_config_c
        |   `-- model_last.pth
        |-- pascal_shufflenetv2_config_d
        |   `-- model_last.pth
        `-- pascal_shufflenetv2_config_e
            `-- model_last.pth
  1. Prepare data:
  • For COCO data, download the images (train 2017, test 2017, val 2017) and the annotation files (2017 train/val and test image info) from the MS COCO dataset.
  • For Pascal data, run the shell script tools/get_pascal_voc.sh. This includes downloading the images, downloading the annotations and merging the two annotation files into one json file.
  • Put the data directories under CoDeNet/data, and the structure should look like this.
|-- src
|-- exp
`-- data
   |-- coco
   |   |-- annotations
   |   `-- images
   |       |-- test2017
   |       |-- train2017
   |       `-- val2017
   `-- voc
       |-- annotations
       |-- images
       `-- VOCdevkit

Usage Guide

For testing, use the pretrained models we provide for 5 configurations. To test with config a:

python test.py ctdet --arch shufflenetv2 --exp_id pascal_shufflenetv2_config_a --dataset pascal --input_res 256 --resume --flip_test --gpu 0 --resume-quantize

To test with config b:

python test.py ctdet --arch shufflenetv2 --exp_id pascal_shufflenetv2_config_b --dataset pascal --input_res 256 --resume --flip_test --gpu 0 --maxpool --resume-quantize

To test with config c:

python test.py ctdet --arch shufflenetv2 --exp_id pascal_shufflenetv2_config_c --dataset pascal --input_res 512 --resume --flip_test --gpu 0 --resume-quantize

To test with config d:

python test.py ctdet --arch shufflenetv2 --exp_id pascal_shufflenetv2_config_d --dataset pascal --input_res 512 --resume --flip_test --gpu 0 --w2 --resume-quantize

To test with config e:

python test.py ctdet --arch shufflenetv2 --exp_id pascal_shufflenetv2_config_a --dataset pascal --input_res 512 --resume --flip_test --gpu 0 --w2 --maxpool --resume-quantize

For training, we provide training/fine-tuning code for ordinary model (main.py) and quantized model (quant_main.py). For example, to train the ordinary model, run

python main.py ctdet --arch shufflenetv2 --exp_id pascal_shufflenetv2_512_1 --dataset pascal --head_conv 64 --input_res 512 --num_epochs 90 --lr_step 50,70 --gpu 0

and to train the quantized model from an ordinary pretrained model, run

python quant_main.py ctdet --arch shufflenetv2 --exp_id pascal_shufflenetv2_512_1 --dataset pascal --head_conv 64 --input_res 512 --num_epochs 180 --lr_step 50,70 --gpu 0 --resume --resume-quantize --wt-percentile


CoDeNet is released under the MIT license.