
Building a computer from a scratch

Primary LanguageAssembly

Nand to Tetris programming course

This is a course for fundermetanl knowledge of computer architecture and system design.

After this course, you can totally build a computer from a scratch

What to learn in this course?

1: Boolean Logic

Some concepts in this chapter:

  • Boolean Algebra
    • And, or, ...
  • Gate Logic
    • Primitive and Composite gates
    • Multi-bit version of Basic gates
  • Hardware Discription Language

What we will build in this chapter is the basic logic gates from the NAND gate, includes:

  • And, Not, Or, Xor
  • Mutiplexer: use 3 input gate, use a Selection bit to select one of the other two inputs, call Data bit.
    Chip name: Mux
    Inputs: a, b, sel
    Outputs: out
    Function: If sel=0 then out=a else out=b.
  • Demultiplexer: Perform the oposite of the Multiplexer. Take a sigle input and channels it to one of possible outputs according to the selector bits
    Chip name: DMux
    Inputs: in, sel
    Outputs: a, b
    Function: If sel=0 then {a=in, b=0} else {a=0, b=in}

The multibit versions of Basis gates Multi-bit operation are designed to handle multi-bit arrays called "buses".

  • Multi-Bit And, Multi-Bit Not
  • Multi-Bit Or
    Chip name: Or16
    Inputs: a[16], b[16]
    Outputs: out[16]
    Function: For i=0..15 out[i]=Or(a[i],b[i]).
  • Multi-Bit Multiplexor: Same as the sigle bit multiplexer.
    Inputs: a[16], b[16], sel
    Outputs: out[16]
    Function: If sel=0 then for i=0..15 out[i]=a[i]
            else for i=0..15 out[i]=b[i].

Multi-way versions of Basic Gates
Multi-way take

  • Multi-way or

    Chip name: Or8Way
    Inputs: in[8]
    Outputs: out
    Function: out=Or(in[0],in[1],...,in[7]).
  • Multi-way/Multi-bit Multiplexer An m-way n-bit multiplexor selects one of m n-bit input buses and outputs it to a single n-bit output bus.

    Chip name: Mux4Way16
    Inputs: a[16], b[16], c[16], d[16], sel[2]
    Outputs: out[16]
    Function: If sel=00 then out=a else if sel=01 then out=b
    else if sel=10 then out=c else if sel=11 then out=d Comment: The assignment operations mentioned above are all
            16-bit. For example, "out=a" means "for i=0..15
  • Multi-Way/Multi-Bit Demultiplexor An m-way n-bit demultiplexor (figure 1.11) channels a single n-bit input into one of m possible n-bit outputs. The selection is specified by a set of k control bits, where k 1⁄4 log2 m.

    Chip name: DMux4Way
    Inputs: in, sel[2]
    Outputs: a, b, c, d
    Function: If sel=00 then {a=in, b=c=d=0}
            else if sel=01 then {b=in, a=c=d=0}
            else if sel=10 then {c=in, a=b=d=0}
            else if sel=11 then {d=in, a=b=c=0}.

2: Boolean Arithmetic

3: Sequential Logic

4: Machine Language

5 Computer Architecture

