
A CTF inspection tool

Primary LanguageC++

Jacques CTF

Jacques CTF is an interactive CTF trace inspection tool with a text (terminal) user interface and a command-line trace manipulation tool.

Like Jacques Cartier, Jacques CTF can explore the sea of bits of a CTF data stream file and discover unsuspected lands of problems within packets.


  • Interactive inspection tool

    • Full hexadecimal and binary packet data inspection with:

      • Current data type or event record type (metadata) with highlight.

      • ASCII equivalent of data bytes (like your typical hex editor).

      • Packet data offsets in decimal or hexadecimal, bytes or bits.

      • Padding regions shown with a different color.

      • Decoding error region clearly shown, if any, with textual details.

      • Current datum path (metadata), size, byte order, and decoded value.

      • Current event record details:

        • Index within packet.

        • Offset within packet.

        • Size.

        • Type name.

        • Type ID.

        • Timestamp (first).

        • Duration since last event record.

      • Custom bookmarks to mark regions and return to them.

      • Search or go to a region by:

        • Packet index within its data stream file.

        • Packet sequence number.

        • Event record index within its packet.

        • Offset within packet or data stream file.

        • Timestamp (nanoseconds from origin or cycles).

        • Event record with type name.

        • Event record with type ID.

    • Anywhere in the application, you can change the current timestamp format (full date and time, nanoseconds since origin, or cycles) or size format (B/KiB/MiB/GiB, bytes and extra bits, and bits) of tables.

    • Permanent status bar with:

      • Current data stream file path.

      • Current offset within current packet and current data stream file.

      • Current offset as a percentage within current packet.

      • Current packet index and sequence number.

    • Packet table with details:

      • Index within data stream file.

      • Offset within data stream file.

      • Total size.

      • Content size.

      • Beginning and end timestamps, and duration.

      • Event record count.

      • Data stream type and data stream IDs.

      • Sequence number.

      • Discarded event record counter value.

    • Data stream file table with details:

      • Path.

      • File size.

      • Packet count.

      • Beginning and end timestamps, and duration.

      • Data stream type and data stream IDs.

    • Trace details:

      • Number of data stream files, data streams, and packets.

      • Effective and expected packet total and content sizes.

      • Intersection and disjoint set timestamps and durations.

      • Metadata stream information.

    • Data type (metadata) explorer:

      • Data stream types (packet header and context, event record header and first context).

      • Event record types (event record header, contexts, and payload).

  • List the packets of a CTF data stream file with CSV output.

  • Copy specific packets from a CTF data stream file to another data stream file.

  • Create an LTTng index file for one or more CTF data stream files.

Build and install

Make sure you have the build time requirements:

Build and install Jacques CTF from source
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release ..
make install

You can specify your favorite C and C++ compilers with the usual CC and CXX environment variables when you run cmake, and additional options with CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS.

Specify -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=PREFIX to cmake to install Jacques CTF to the PREFIX directory instead of the default /usr/local directory.