
Code search for AzDev and GitHub on Emacs

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Code search integration for Emacs

research.el is an Emacs plugin that can be used for code searching in Azure DevOps and GitHub repositories. Support for integration with other forges is currently under development.

research in action


  • 12/23/2021: Add support for GitHub code search

How to install

Via Quelpa

(quelpa '(ghub :fetcher github :repo "kiennq/ghub"))
(quelpa '(research :fetcher git
                   :url "git@github.com:kiennq/emacs-research-mode.git"))

Using personal access token (PAT)

You can use personal access tokens (PATs) to query the code search results. After obtaining your PATs, you can save them into the ~/.authinfo file (or ~/.authinfo.gpg as an encrypted file). The username should be set to:

  • azdev^token for Azure DevOps
  • <account>^token for other services

For example:

machine almsearch.dev.azure.com/<org> login azdev^token password <PAT>
machine dev.azure.com/<org> login azdev^token password <PAT>
machine api.github.com login <account>^token password <PAT>

Afterward, you can start exploring this plugin.

Using cookie

If you prefer not to set up PATs, an alternative method is to authenticate via a browser and then transfer the cookie to Emacs.

(setq research-default-auth-method 'cookie)

The cookie from browswer can be obtained by using Cookie-Editor.

Sample setup

(use-package research
  :quelpa (research
           :fetcher git
           :url "git@github.com:kiennq/emacs-research-mode.git")
  :defer t
  (with-eval-after-load 'evil
    (evil-define-key 'normal 'umbrella-keybind-mode
      (kbd "SPC s r") #'research-query
      (kbd "SPC s e") #'research-add-repo
      (kbd "SPC s d") #'research-query-def
      (kbd "SPC s S") #'research-set-default-scope
      (kbd "SPC s c") #'research-set-collection)
    (evil-define-key 'normal 'research-mode
      (kbd "SPC s n") #'research-next-in-buffer
      (kbd "SPC s w") #'research-open-buffer-url
      (kbd "SPC s f") #'research-browse-folder))
  (research-mode +1))

For development

research.el includes several extension functions that can be utilized to add support for other forges.

(cl-defgeneric research--refresh-auth (_host _auth _forge)
  "Try to re-authenticate for HOST with AUTH method of FORGE."

(cl-defgeneric research--get-collections ((repo-rcp research--rcp))
  "Get collections of REPO-RCP.")

(cl-defgeneric research--add-repo (type)
  "Add a repository of type TYPE into search collections.")

(cl-defgeneric research--query ((repo research--repo) query page max-result)
  "Query QUERY to repository REPO with page PAGE.
Return at most MAX-RESULT items.")

(cl-defgeneric research--buf-pos (pos)
  "Calculate the position in current buffer from POS.")

(cl-defgeneric research--load-file ((file research--code-result))
  "Load the remote FILE.")

;; utilities.
(cl-defgeneric research--buffer-position-url (code-result line)
  "Return the current buffer file url with LINE information included.")

It also features several structs that can be employed to store the returned data from these functions.

(cl-defstruct research--rcp
  "Recipe for the repository."

(cl-defstruct research--repo
  "Base type for the repository that we search on."
  (name nil :documentation "Display name." :read-only t)
  ;; rcp can contain empty data, dont rely on it
  (rcp nil :read-only t)
  (root nil :documentation "Alist map from path prefixes to storage paths.")
  (skip-calc-pos t))

(cl-defstruct research--code-result
  "The code result"
  (path nil :documentation "Path to current result.")
  (url nil :documentation "URL to the current result.")
  (id nil :documentation "Version id.")
  (matches nil :type list :documentation "List of offsets"))

When adding support for a new forge, you should create a new type that inherits from the listed base types and then implement the generic functions accordingly.