
Import videos (mp4, webm, ogg, swf, ogv) in Next.js.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Next Videos

npm version

Import videos (mp4, webm, ogg, swf, ogv) in Next.js.


  • Load videos from local
  • Load videos from remote (CDN for example) with assetPrefix
  • Adds a content hash to the file name so videos can get cached


yarn add next-videos -E


Create a next.config.js in your project

// next.config.js
const withVideos = require('next-videos')

module.exports = withVideos()

And you just import it in your component using require()

export default () => (
    <video src={require('./video.mp4')} />



You can serve your videos to a remote url by setting assetPrefix option

const withVideos = require('next-videos')

module.exports = withVideos({
  assetPrefix: 'https://example.com',

  webpack(config, options) {
    return config


With Next.js 9.1, assets are now served under public and not static directory. This is an option to manage which path you are using. Default value is now public.

const withVideos = require('next-videos')

module.exports = withVideos({
  assetDirectory: 'static',

  webpack(config, options) {
    return config